We're Coming Up on Red Ribbon Week...

which means management thinks they can deter drug use by giving us trinkets like pencil sharpeners, plastic footballs, and other trinkets.


I've just mailed Adrian one of these:


dude, I think you should post a pic wearing this, preferrably at a Three Sheets show :)
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
I'm going to double up on my dxm intake.

I may even try to go for a wacked out high. A robitussin, nyquil, mylanta cocktail! Oh fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaa!

lizard said:
hey, just because i don't say no to drugs doesn't mean i don't make choices for tomorrow. for example, i might say to myself, "self, you're smoking too much weed. if you don't cut back, you won't have enough left to smoke tomorrow."
bah! i loathe this kind of thinking. how about "say no to obesity" or "say no to suburban sprawl". i hardly think avoiding marijuana is going to help joe america who commutes 45 minutes in his pick-up truck so he can sit at a desk all day, drinking high-test coffee, and staring at a blinding computer screen.

i guess i couldve posted: anti-drug slogans dont work.
dorian gray said:
bah! i loathe this kind of thinking. how about "say no to obesity" or "say no to suburban sprawl". i hardly think avoiding marijuana is going to help joe america who commutes 45 minutes in his pick-up truck so he can sit at a desk all day, drinking high-test coffee, and staring at a blinding computer screen.

i guess i couldve posted: anti-drug slogans dont work.

And anti-drug legislation is of course an even bigger failure by design, the propaganda is only there so politicians can pretend that they're teaching something meaningful...
it's just so funny...back when I was an everyday pot smoker, no amount of pencil sharpeners, t-shirts, or plastic footballs could have gotten me to sit back and say, "hmmmmmmm.....you know, I've been SOOOO wrong!"

conversely, a kid who is going to begin smoking pot isn't going to be persuaded with trinkets to not. It's been a long time since the Injuns sold Manhattan for 24$ worth of beads :lol:
Also, all those anti smoking commercials make me want to pick up the habit.

You know the one's where the the college kids leave 5,000 bodybags outside of a manhattan office building. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck does that shit piss me off.