we've got a dead board on our hands people

Nope. Midnight on a Saturday night (central time). Just got back from playing Bealtes and Evis tunes with my girlfriend's family on acoustic guitars while drinking beer, and this board is officially dead. User: FuSoYa was in here when I first stepped in. However, he got smart and went to bed. Possibly to rest up for another day of INSANELY EVIL GUITAR TRACKS! GRRRRR!!!!

Holy shit you're right. This 4-day weekend thing is totally throwing me. All day today it seemed like Saturday- we went shopping and crap, and ended up hanging out for a while, and it totally seemed like Saturday because I didn't have to drive back for work the next day. How stupid.

So yeah, now it's Monday. And I still have tomorrow off! Tonight will be like another Saturday.

So how did the studio go anyway? You guys should maybe do a Studio Journal thread where you give away all your secrets- there'd be motW clone bands everywhere.