What 1 band or player...


Radioactive Sea Cucumber
Jun 7, 2004
...Has the biggest influence on your style? We all are influenced by a lot of artists but I'm curious to know who effects your playing the most. For me it's probably At The Gates, at least at the moment :).
I was kind of looking for you to name 1 person or group, but it doesn't matter, those are all fine answers.
Les Claypool, since he is why I play bass. As far as style, I've always said if Kerry King played slap bass, he'd sound like me. :loco:
For guitar, If I were to narrow it down to one, it would be Dave Mustaine.
If I cited a few influences, I'd say Megadeth, Crowbar, Nevermore, Vio-Lence, Testament, and Black Sabbath.
Vocals, I'd probably have to say Chuck Billy. Overall, alot of the 80's rough, angry sounding voices, like James Hetfield back in the day, maybe Phil Anselmo (I also tend to hit high notes similar to Halford like Phil did on Cowboys From Hell)
Id Say Anders Bjorler (At the gates/The Haunted) did when I wrote my best thrashy material, but now with more mellodic deathmetal flowing through my veins I get inspiration from Suidakras guitar style (very similar to Kalmah and Susperias riffs).
guitar playing : paul gilbert (early racer-x days)
vocals : carl albert (vicious rumors)

as for my current influences, i'm listening to a lot of russ allen and jorn lande for vox, and sym-x, vanden plas, ark, and transatlantic for songwriting
anders bjorler! (at the gates). hetfield and hammet of course.(metallica),dave mustaine.(megadeth) Bill Steer and Ammott!(carcass) fuck those guys are great.
for the bands. in flames,angelcorpse,slayer,megadeth,the haunted,Carcass and a lil bit of malmsteen
Wolf Hoffmann from Accept is/was amazing. The only modern guitarist I can think of that can even come close to rivaling his great style is Jorn Viggo Lofstsat of Pagans Mind. Wolf is da man !!

My style would best be represented as a mix between Burzum/Darkthrone/Vintersong

(older Vintersorg, that is)

Interesting, yes... but in a good way, I'd say.