What A Sh**, Fu****g, B*****d weekend this has been!


Proud IMG Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Sheffield, England
Need to write this down somewhere and get it off my chest, hope you don't mind me using this forum!

1st my Mum and Dad split up, and now I've just been informed that my Aunt has died! :( :mad:

Whatever C**t is dishing out all this crap to me just as I'm getting my life back together can Bo****ks! They ain't gonna win, this is my life and I am NOT going back to how things were! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Apologies if this offends anyone, and sorry for using the I.M.G. to rant!
My condolences for the loss of your aunt Virus.:cry:

Sorry about your parent's split up as well.:cry:

I don't mind you venting your frustration and sadness here.
This is going to sound like a cliche but you can handle it and you can get through it.
Rant here all you like Virus, we're your friends!

I'm sorry to hear about what's going on, and remember that life will always challenge you with adversities: Don't dwell on the negatives and strive to accentuate the positives and you'll come through just fine.

Good Luck, and as always, feel free to write.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it! :)

Things are a little better now, my parents are giving it a final try and my Dad bless him is really trying hard. I've never seen him be so affectionate before it's a bit strange (If you knew my Dad, you'd think the same! He hardly ever shows emotion...)

On another positive note, I finally got me a girlfriend! :D Just glad that the good stuff comes as equally as the bad stuff! :D :cool: