what a shitty day

my morning:

me: well if you paid the student's tuition in full and then the loan hit then it would get refunded to the student at the bursar's office.
parent: well that never happened
(10 mins later and me leaving a message on the parent's voicemail)
me: here's a copy of the check sent back to us after the student signed his name on the back and cashed it into his bank account.
yesterday i decided there was an attractive young woman at a place i had to go to a few times, for work.

there are no attractive people here. so this was a rare occasion. it happens once every three years.

yesterday afternoon, i had to go back. i happened, by luck, to see her at the counter.

i calmly prepared to make small talk. before i could say anything she snapped at me, and in the process of getting my work, was even more of a douchebag, to me, for no reason whatsoever.

this was but one incident in the shit that was yesterday.