What A Year - Channel Nine - PEACE SELLS

what, on the news or something?

Ive actually been listening to that album today - excellent album!
Nah they have a new show called "What a Year" where they concentrate on a year gone by and look at all the shit that happened in news, entertainment and everything else. The year they looked at was 1986 and I guess that year BMX become a craze so they had a big montage of BMX racing footage that had Peace Sells playing over it.
Yes I did see that ..... Excellant .... even though I am too old to have ever owned a BMX bike .... had a Green Dragstar with a sissy bar...
BMX, 86, classic! I foolshily bought a racing bike and had a Van Halen backpatch so I wasnt as tough as the rest of the pack. heh.
^ agreed. I'm sure some of you older bastards would remember the time Mortal Sin got some coverage of one of their live shows on the ABC, the camera crew followed some metallers back to an after party... Classic TV!