What about Katagory V for Progpower?


Mangement & Promotions
Aug 28, 2006
New Mexico
I absolutely love this band. Their songwriting is amazing, the music is amazing and I think they would be an awesome addition to a progpower lineup!!

Their last album, "The Rising Anger," was IMO their best to date, although I love all their music. The are finished writing for their next and have started pre-production on it!! WooHoo!

You can check them out at


or on myspace at


Anyone else have thoughts on them?
It seems to me that the Showcase and the actual festival are using pretty much equal-caliber bands these days. I'd like to see KV play either one... especially since I ended up missing them at both the pre-party and the Chicago Powerfest show they played.
Harvester said:
Showcase is going to be split 50/50 between main fest caliber bands and traditional pre-party bands to serve as openers.
Sounds good to me, a great way for up and comers to get some exposure, while still having the High caliber bands also. Woooohoooooo
Harvester said:
Showcase is going to be split 50/50 between main fest caliber bands and traditional pre-party bands to serve as openers.

that works.
ProgmetalAngel said:
I absolutely love this band. Their songwriting is amazing, the music is amazing and I think they would be an awesome addition to a progpower lineup!!

Their last album, "The Rising Anger," was IMO their best to date, although I love all their music. The are finished writing for their next and have started pre-production on it!! WooHoo!

You can check them out at


or on myspace at


Anyone else have thoughts on them?

I'll get back on the topic at hand here, eventhough you might not like what I have to say. I've listened to the promo of KV's latest several times through, but it's not blown me away by any stretch. I don't deny the band has potential, but they have a ways to go to be great in my opinion.

With that said, I'd like to see them improve upon their next release before playing the festival. It would be cool to see them play the Pre-party though.