What About The Karaboudjan Album?

I can't see Dan getting around to doing the Kara album anytime soon, since he is immersed in the new Nightingale album right now and plans on doing Second Sky "100 percent" once he's finished.

By the way, how's the new In Flames sounding? Can't wait to get that one!
I remember reading that Dan was going to write a full-length KARABOUDJAN album, and to tell you the truth, that's the one Swano-related piece of work I'm most anxious about (Bloodbath being the only other thing). I hope that this idea hasn't been cancelled!

I personally could not get into Karaboudjan and God knows I tried. I am looking forward to Bloodbath though.
Originally posted by Demonspell
I want a full-length Odyssey album, although Karaboudjan would definitely be a trip worth taking...

I never cared much for Karaboudjan, it was a little TOO tripped-out and weird, but a full-length Odyssey album would be the ultimate Swano creation! Probably never gonna happen, though... :(
Doucheman: The new In Flames is pretty bad. The first track is really quite good, and boy, was I disappointed with the rest. The nu-metal vocal style really does nothing for me.
Originally posted by wardwarf
Doucheman: The new In Flames is pretty bad. The first track is really quite good, and boy, was I disappointed with the rest. The nu-metal vocal style really does nothing for me.

Yeah, that's what I figured. I knew that touring with Slipknot would fuck them right up. I'll probably still pick up the album, though, because it comes out the same day I am going to see them live with Slayer in September. Is it even "grower" material, or does it just plain suck?