What about the Pledge of Allegiance being "Unconstitutional" Shit...


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I am all about freedom of religion or freedom of non-religion, but being offended by the phrase "one nation under god" is a bit much. I wonder if the guy is offended by all $ money because every United States coin or Dollar says "In God We Trust". I'm no "Holy Roller", I'm agnostic, or don't know what to believe. Which religion is right? Christianity, Baptist, Satanist, Buddhist, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Scientology, Darwinism, Pentecostal, Methodist, Catholic, Taoism, etc.... I bet the atheist offended by the "pledge of allegiance" sure as hell uses "In God We Trust" money.
Dude, shhhhhhhhhhh.
I refused to recite the pledge, and it had nothing to do with "under god."

So there. :)
The "One nation uder God"part doesn't even have to be about one specific god(even tough there aren't any other religions that call their higher power"God").It can be God or Allah or Buddah or a spirit,it can be anything.The whole issue is ludacris.I don't see why that person had to make such a big deal out of it.If they don't want their kid to say "one nation uder god" then they don't have to say it.I they don'y want their kid to hear it being said,then the kid can leave the room.Simple as that.The guy from Baltimore's 98 Rock radio station,Mickey Cutella,says he's going to organize the huge recitation of the Pledge in a baseball stadium and get a lot of media coverage for it.Hopefully that parent is seeing the repercussions of their action.
ZANEX>>>Well, its ok with me. For one reason. In the first grade, i got fucken padled cause i didnt want to prey and say the alligance. It was unfair to me. (Yes, i was never a follower, even in th e1st grade.). I was tired of preying everymorning, and i was tired of saying the pledge. SO one day, i just sat there, she told me to get up, i said no, she paddled me. SO, the allegiance has been a thorn in my side every since. YOu know, i was a child, an dthat shit sticks with you.

Yes you guys, Zanex and i got to see the 10 comandments on the walls of our classes, and yes, we had preyer in school as well.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
The "One nation uder God"part doesn't even have to be about one specific god(even tough there aren't any other religions that call their higher power"God").It can be God or Allah or Buddah or a spirit,it can be anything.The whole issue is ludacris.I don't see why that person had to make such a big deal out of it.If they don't want their kid to say "one nation uder god" then they don't have to say it.I they don'y want their kid to hear it being said,then the kid can leave the room.Simple as that.The guy from Baltimore's 98 Rock radio station,Mickey Cutella,says he's going to organize the huge recitation of the Pledge in a baseball stadium and get a lot of media coverage for it.Hopefully that parent is seeing the repercussions of their action.

I agree, but as i said, i got a WHIPPIN, and we were not allwod to leav ethe room, it was LAW that we said the pledge, and prey. Now thats bull shit IMO
Yeah,that is bullshit.And I don't think that they would've been allowed to leave the room.That's really fucked up that you got flogged because you didn't say the pledge.But didn't some woman have the lord's prayer removed from public shcools or something?Tha's another thing that my mother brings up when she's yelling at me about all of her religious bullshit.But I just say more power to whoever got the lord's prayer out of public schools that way I didn't have to say it again every morning when I got to public school.

I dont rememebr when we stoped saying it, i just know we did say it, and then we stopped. The 10 commandenst, my teacher fucken cried when that shit came down.

Your lucky in the sence that you never had to say that bullshit. BUt we were lucky in the sence that school was not a danger zone, and we had no big ass rules and shit.
In that Catholic school,I think the prayers every morning were more important that the Pledge.We had to pray every morning but I don't remember saying the Pledge that often...maybe once a week,if that.But I don't even remember the name of the prayer we had to say.I think it was just crossing yourself"the Father,the Son and the Holy Sprit" and some other shit.Eh,I guess the memories are finally starting to fade from my mind:) .And of course we had a bunch of posters and statuettes of god and jesus and other religious stories,and we did have the 10 Commandments up on the wall.They used to be hanging up on my bedroom wall in my old house.And last year,my mother put the thing back up on the wall in the hallway,so I can't escape the damn things!
Your teacher cried when the Commandments were taken down,ledmag?Bible thumping loon.:rolleyes:
Well I am lazy ass law student, and since we are on a law related issue I guess i will respond,
Amendment I of the COnstitution bars congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise of" This is the all the constitution has to say on religion, and for that matter God. In 1995 the supreme court in Rosenberger v Rectors the dissent of the liberal wing under Souter stated, that this first amendment clause forbidsnot only government preferences for some religious sects over others , but also governmental preferences for religion over irreligion. The majority conservative wing under Thomas, stated that the first amendment should be seen as simply a prohibition on governmental preferences for some religious faiths over others. Thus, it is clear that the liberal wing would indeed find that God in the pledge of allegiance shold not be allowed as the government is prohibited to prefer religion over irreligion, ie a belief in God. Yet, the conservative wing is still in control, and will most assuredly toss the Federal District Judge's ruling out, as a belief in God does not mention any preference of one religion over another, also they will most assuredly refer to the intent of the framers of the constitution, and will hypothesize the founders would never have envisioned one nation under god, as conflicting with the first amendment.
Personally I really dont care, but I tend to side with the liberals, as the conservative wing is truly nuts. Sorry for the message, it is sort of a summarization of a short essay I had to prepare for a summer Con law class, as you can imagine this is very boring stuff.
Poison god ie DAVE is a law student as well, we have talked about the case i have going in court, he is sharp i tell ya. My case will be going for yrs it seems. The fucker got a restaining order to protect himself. 2 yrs. thats not long to wiat to beat the shit out of him and his wife and his children hey.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
The "One nation uder God"part doesn't even have to be about one specific god(even tough there aren't any other religions that call their higher power"God").It can be God or Allah or Buddah or a spirit,it can be anything.
But sense there is no God it needs to go :)

Actually did you know that part wasn't even originally part of the damn Pledge? It was added much latter.