What album feautures Steve's best Bass work in your opinion?

Individual Thought Patterns (Death), The Fragile Art Of Existence (Control Denied), well, is there any album at all, where he didn't play like a metal beast? :):):):):):)
Originally posted by Asmodeus
Individual Thought Patterns (Death), The Fragile Art Of Existence (Control Denied), well, is there any album at all, where he didn't play like a metal beast? :):):):):):)

That Horror Show thing... Pretty much like Richard played the drums there, just straight-forward... That`s why I hate those "one-brain" bands, kinda Iced Earth, Malmsteen, etc.
It's interesting to see what the different perceptions are from the outside. Oh and Mr.V, that Dark Hall disc is not officially an album...doesn't count!!! Hehehe...
See I could look at this question totally differently. "Best bass work" to me is like most prepared and most flawless performance. And that in a quick reflection of memory would be A Vision Of Misery album where I had a lot of time to prepare and we went over the bass tracks with a microscope and got rid of every out of tune note, out of time attack...everything. But I guess it's not one of the most exciting albums. Obviously I love the Dark Hall recordings because I got to play around in the playground I built myself, but there is a lot of slop in there. And the albums that are mostly mentioned are oddly the ones I had the least amount of time to prepare for. The Visions From The Spiral Generator album was one of my most creative and one of the less stressful sessions, but a small percentage of what I played was created when the red light was on. Same with The Fragile Art Of Existance, I had to learn the whole thing in three days and go in there and blast through everything trying to add as much interesting stuff as I could muster on the fly. Individual Thought Patterns left a weird taste because during the recording I had to fight for every little thing outside the lines of the guitar or bass drum pattern, and if I was left to full creative freedom it would have been much different. But I can agree those three albums, the Vintersorg, the Control Denied and the Death are the most interesting as far as my bass contributions. But if you went back into the masters and heard the bass by itself, there would be a lot of clams. They seem to melt into the mix and not get any attention because of the aggressive nature. But "best bass work" ...TO ME... would have to be that Sadus album, or the one after it, Elements Of Anger on the basis that we had time to go over it and make it mistake-free. Doesn't mean their my favorite. Favorite is probably Spiral Generator becuase it saved me from retiring from metal last year, plus I find myself listening to it often......still!!!

Honestly I still don't think my "best" has been recorded yet. I'm still trying, and I think I have something better to offer in me still that needs to come out.