What Anthrax is all about to me:

Ah, right before Anthrax nose dived off a cliff. PoT is such a sexy album
My first introduction to Anthrax was a cassette to cassette transfer of Spreading The Disease from one of my brother's friends in 1985 and I wanted more. Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets came next, along with Show No Mercy. After that it was an introduction into Overkill, Testament and Exodus but Anthrax held a certain magic. Among the Living came out and everyone went apeshit over it. An Anthrax patch on the jeans jacket, whether it was a FOM, STD, ATL, Judge Dredd or just the logo was an essential piece to any self respecting fan. The same person who gave me a copy of STD bought me my first concert shirt; the not man on front with cartoon images of the guys on the back. A white t-shirt no less. Then there was the video shoot for "Indians" some place in Jersey (can't remember exactly where) and a bunch of my friends went (and are in the video). I was jealous as hell and wanted to go, but my parents were a bit overprotective. We were all die-hard metalheads but we went nuts over the "I'm The Man" ep.

State Of Euphoria came out and I remember buying it at the Sam Goody in the local mall. It came in the non-environmentally friendly long box (I miss those days). Then there was the opening stint for Ozzy. I remember Scott standing in the middle of the stage doing the intro for "Finale" and getting a real kick hearing it echo around Brendan Byrne Arena (now the Izod Center).

Persistence of Time came out and we were all blown away. It was a less silly, more grown up, meaner sounding Anthrax. The album was relentless (although one friend stupidly said that "Joey doesn't shut up" on the disc), the album cover art was cool as hell and it contains some of my favorite songs from them.

And then Joey was given the boot. WTF? None of us could understand it; they'd just come off of, arguably, their best album and now they kicked out Joey because they wanted to be "more aggressive"? It made no sense to any of us, especially when it was announced that the guy from Armored Saint was replacing him. Armored Saint? They were a third tier, mostly underground band to all of us and none of us thought the guy would fit and all my friends immediately lost interest.

SOWN came out and I admit, it wasn't bad. There were good songs on there but, to my ears, they weren't great Anthrax songs. Stomp came and went. Volume 8 had some good stuff but a lot of it was rather silly (to me) as well. WCFYA came out and I almost threw up. The last time I saw them play with Bush and he dissed the opening act, I was done.

Then it was announced that the classic line up WAS BACK. People were actually excited again. The show that was filmed/recorded for Alive 2 is still, to this day, the most packed I've ever seen Starland Ballroom. It was also one of the loudest crowds I've ever heard. The chants of "Joey, Joey, Joey" were deafening and Joey was very humbled by it but, by the look on Scott's face, it wasn't something that was going to go down well. Several people around me commented that he didn't look happy and we all had an eerie feeling that the reunion was over before it could truly begin. And we were right.

Don Nelson? Who? They did an in-store at Best Buy, another promotional concert at some ski resort and, except for one of my friends, they were all but forgotten in my circle. After Nelson was given the boot (flushed away), I hoped for Joey's return but was disappointed to hear they wanted Bush back but was buoyed by the fact that he kept saying that he wasn't sure. There was hope yet.

Around this time, the Metal Masters tour was going on. Five days before they were due to play in Holmdel, Testament was doing an signing at Vintage Vinyl in Fords, NJ. There was someone either on their staff or on the label's staff going around with a camera, asking the crowd who else could/should be on the bill. People shouted their opinion (mine was Nevermore) when she asked Anthrax. People booed. Amidst the booing I said that "the only way Anthrax deserves to be on the tour is if they get Joey back." She stopped. Points the camera straight at me and says she's a personal friend of Joey's and would I mind repeating what I said. I did. Proudly. I hope Joey liked it.

I played "Fight 'Em" for my friend when we went to a concert a couple weeks ago and he looked at me and says "who's that?" When I told him he couldn't believe it. My friends are psyched again for Anthrax. The opinion of myself and several of my friends is this; Joey is the singer of Anthrax. Not wanting him to be the singer is like wanting Mustaine replaced in Megadeth, Dickinson replaced in Maiden, Halford replaced in Priest. It's the voice on their (in our opinion) most important, groundbreaking albums. It's like Hagar (or Cherone) in Van Halen, no matter what they did with him, it's no substitute for Roth. When I told my buddy about TGOTE his reply was "why the hell would they do that? That's just silly."

No one is wrong (or right) for liking or preferring the stuff with Bush. Hell, even Stompmosher's son is getting a good dose of the Bush material and that's actually great. It's another generation being brought up on Anthrax and metal and that's great for the genre. People really like those albums, for some they're their favorites. Changing their opinions is like trying to reverse the tides, it's never going to happen.

Anthrax, to me, has Joey on the mic. That's what Anthrax is to me.

This is what I will always associate with "Anthrax" and look forward to more like it in the future.

KIITF is a very underated song, very under played live. Why did you sum this up as Anthrax to you when it's not really a thrash song, at least to me. Just a curious observation :D. This song could easily fit in the "Bush" era, I think they were heading in that direction with this song. All the same, this song rules.
That 2nd video from the Clash tour is awesome. The band is on fire.
My first introduction to Anthrax was a cassette to cassette transfer of Spreading The Disease from one of my brother's friends in 1985 and I wanted more. Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets came next, along with Show No Mercy. After that it was an introduction into Overkill, Testament and Exodus but Anthrax held a certain magic. Among the Living came out and everyone went apeshit over it. An Anthrax patch on the jeans jacket, whether it was a FOM, STD, ATL, Judge Dredd or just the logo was an essential piece to any self respecting fan. The same person who gave me a copy of STD bought me my first concert shirt; the not man on front with cartoon images of the guys on the back. A white t-shirt no less. Then there was the video shoot for "Indians" some place in Jersey (can't remember exactly where) and a bunch of my friends went (and are in the video). I was jealous as hell and wanted to go, but my parents were a bit overprotective. We were all die-hard metalheads but we went nuts over the "I'm The Man" ep.

State Of Euphoria came out and I remember buying it at the Sam Goody in the local mall. It came in the non-environmentally friendly long box (I miss those days). Then there was the opening stint for Ozzy. I remember Scott standing in the middle of the stage doing the intro for "Finale" and getting a real kick hearing it echo around Brendan Byrne Arena (now the Izod Center).

Persistence of Time came out and we were all blown away. It was a less silly, more grown up, meaner sounding Anthrax. The album was relentless (although one friend stupidly said that "Joey doesn't shut up" on the disc), the album cover art was cool as hell and it contains some of my favorite songs from them.

And then Joey was given the boot. WTF? None of us could understand it; they'd just come off of, arguably, their best album and now they kicked out Joey because they wanted to be "more aggressive"? It made no sense to any of us, especially when it was announced that the guy from Armored Saint was replacing him. Armored Saint? They were a third tier, mostly underground band to all of us and none of us thought the guy would fit and all my friends immediately lost interest.

SOWN came out and I admit, it wasn't bad. There were good songs on there but, to my ears, they weren't great Anthrax songs. Stomp came and went. Volume 8 had some good stuff but a lot of it was rather silly (to me) as well. WCFYA came out and I almost threw up. The last time I saw them play with Bush and he dissed the opening act, I was done.

Then it was announced that the classic line up WAS BACK. People were actually excited again. The show that was filmed/recorded for Alive 2 is still, to this day, the most packed I've ever seen Starland Ballroom. It was also one of the loudest crowds I've ever heard. The chants of "Joey, Joey, Joey" were deafening and Joey was very humbled by it but, by the look on Scott's face, it wasn't something that was going to go down well. Several people around me commented that he didn't look happy and we all had an eerie feeling that the reunion was over before it could truly begin. And we were right.

Don Nelson? Who? They did an in-store at Best Buy, another promotional concert at some ski resort and, except for one of my friends, they were all but forgotten in my circle. After Nelson was given the boot (flushed away), I hoped for Joey's return but was disappointed to hear they wanted Bush back but was buoyed by the fact that he kept saying that he wasn't sure. There was hope yet.

Around this time, the Metal Masters tour was going on. Five days before they were due to play in Holmdel, Testament was doing an signing at Vintage Vinyl in Fords, NJ. There was someone either on their staff or on the label's staff going around with a camera, asking the crowd who else could/should be on the bill. People shouted their opinion (mine was Nevermore) when she asked Anthrax. People booed. Amidst the booing I said that "the only way Anthrax deserves to be on the tour is if they get Joey back." She stopped. Points the camera straight at me and says she's a personal friend of Joey's and would I mind repeating what I said. I did. Proudly. I hope Joey liked it.

I played "Fight 'Em" for my friend when we went to a concert a couple weeks ago and he looked at me and says "who's that?" When I told him he couldn't believe it. My friends are psyched again for Anthrax. The opinion of myself and several of my friends is this; Joey is the singer of Anthrax. Not wanting him to be the singer is like wanting Mustaine replaced in Megadeth, Dickinson replaced in Maiden, Halford replaced in Priest. It's the voice on their (in our opinion) most important, groundbreaking albums. It's like Hagar (or Cherone) in Van Halen, no matter what they did with him, it's no substitute for Roth. When I told my buddy about TGOTE his reply was "why the hell would they do that? That's just silly."

No one is wrong (or right) for liking or preferring the stuff with Bush. Hell, even Stompmosher's son is getting a good dose of the Bush material and that's actually great. It's another generation being brought up on Anthrax and metal and that's great for the genre. People really like those albums, for some they're their favorites. Changing their opinions is like trying to reverse the tides, it's never going to happen.

Anthrax, to me, has Joey on the mic. That's what Anthrax is to me.

Very well put my friend. My son loves the old shit too. It's like passing the baton like you say. My Dad loved Deep Purple, Zepplin, Sabbath and Maiden.
Very well put my friend. My son loves the old shit too. It's like passing the baton like you say. My Dad loved Deep Purple, Zepplin, Sabbath and Maiden.

That is cool to pass your love of music onto your kids. When we brought our firstborn home from the hospital I played Iron Maiden for him (softly). Nowadys, he loves Maiden, Bushthrax, Johnny Cash, Motorhead....all sorts of good music, and HATES almost everything on the radio! You know StompMosher, I thought you had been here forever....I just saw you joined a month ago....you are prolific.
That is cool to pass your love of music onto your kids. When we brought our firstborn home from the hospital I played Iron Maiden for him (softly). Nowadys, he loves Maiden, Bushthrax, Johnny Cash, Motorhead....all sorts of good music, and HATES almost everything on the radio! You know StompMosher, I thought you had been here forever....I just saw you joined a month ago....you are prolific.

I just love this band and love to talk about it I suppose. :wave:
Nothing wrong with that. They are a great band. Never a lack of material to talk about in the soap opera known as Anthrax.

LOL. I hope this album propells them to a place they belong. Back in the day, they were 2nd only to Metallica in Big4 rankings. To me personally, I still think that, popularity and album sales say otherwise. Everyone knows my theories about that so I need not repeat. :lol:
I still find it hilarious that people try to revise history and say Anthrax was never that big, and say that Exodus/Testament should b in the Big Four instead.

Anthrax was as big as Megadeth & Slayer, and certainly bigger than Testament & Exodus. With that said all 6 bands are killer, and I'd love to see a Big 6 tour.
KIITF is a very underated song, very under played live. Why did you sum this up as Anthrax to you when it's not really a thrash song, at least to me. Just a curious observation :D. This song could easily fit in the "Bush" era, I think they were heading in that direction with this song. All the same, this song rules.

While the entire song may not be a full blown 'thrash' song it certainly has many thrash elements and is heavy ass fuck.

That being said I guess I don't mean this song specifically is what "Anthrax" is for me. That era is the best they have ever been.

I could have easily replaced KIITF with any of the other songs from that era I just picked that one because it showed up first.

This also from that era is amazing:

And vomit. No way in hell would I want John Bush touching POT. He tried on TGOTE and it sounded terrible. This was Joey's finest hour I wouldn't want anyone else for this album.
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While the entire song may not be a full blown 'thrash' song it certainly has many thrash elements and is heavy ass fuck.

That being said I guess I don't mean this song specifically is what "Anthrax" is for me. That era is the best they have ever been.

I could have easily replaced KIITF with any of the other songs from that era I just picked that one because it showed up first.

This also from that era is amazing:


And vomit. No way in hell would I want John Bush touching POT. He tried on TGOTE and it sounded terrible. This was Joey's finest hour I wouldn't want anyone else for this album.

I have that on my Ipod. Best song on POT, thats a lesson on how to combine speed with heavy. Not many bands get that right, with some bands it's either fast or heavy, rarely both. :kickass:
While the entire song may not be a full blown 'thrash' song it certainly has many thrash elements and is heavy ass fuck.

Well so does "What doesn't Die" which, IMO is as heavy a song as they EVER did.

And vomit. No way in hell would I want John Bush touching POT. He tried on TGOTE and it sounded terrible. This was Joey's finest hour I wouldn't want anyone else for this album.

That's your opinion. And that's fine. A lot of my friends from back in the day liked POT but did not like Joey's vox. At the time, I defended Joey. And he did a serviceable job. Just think John could have done better, if he would have recorded it in the studio. Just my thoughts. No big woop.
What Doesn't Die isn't really heavy, it's borderline nu-metal.

With that said, I like the song.

I'd also like to point out that Joey, Dan & Frank are wearing skinny jeans in the Time vid in this thread, so there goes another criticism against Rob out the window.
What Doesn't Die isn't really heavy, it's borderline nu-metal.

With that said, I like the song.

I'd also like to point out that Joey, Dan & Frank are wearing skinny jeans in the Time vid in this thread, so there goes another criticism against Rob out the window.

That's crazy talk! Korn, Limp Triscuit NEVER did anything like this? Are you joking?

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