What are the NON boring powermetal bands.


Lord of Mediocraty
Jul 8, 2003
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It seems that many people have said that Hammerfall (which I disagree) and a few other chosen PM bands are lame or whatever.

What are the GOOD powermetal bands?
Blind Guardian are great. Symphony X are plain god awesome if they're considered power metal. 80's Helloween is also pretty good. Another power-influenced band thats great (a heavy one though) is Pathos.

Bands that I find acceptable on some songs (when I'm in that mood) are Edguy as well as Freedom Call.

I guess you made this thread after my evil post in the Nocturnal Rites thread :p
Well, the cause of the whole thing is probably that there really is too many PM bands and very few of them sound unique. And the bands who sound the same tend to only be enjoyed by those who are hardcore fans of the genre, so thats probably why the PM bands get dissed so much. I'm personally a fan of most metal genres that have a more-than decent musical and intellectual level, and I'm mostly into thrash, death and prog.
Pagan's Mind is decent.(Progish)
Gamma Ray is a great band. Especially their Powerplant album.
Dungeon...very good auzzie band. Thrashy.
A lot of people would say Elvenking. I think they are average.
Lots of people say Lost Horizon but I just don't see it.
Sonata Arctica... better than average.
I will never ever stop pimping Galloglass. They kick my ass every time.

Have fun.
nataservant said:
Sonata Arctica is not that great, I don't see the "oh my god they rock" thing everyone else does. They are OK
Yeah, Sonata aren't world changing but they are a good band.

My favorite power metal bands are Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Helloween, Rhapsody, Elvenking, Kamelot, Gamma Ray, Manowar, Luca Turilli, Nevermore, Masterplan, Nocturnal Rites and Stratovarius.
Good fucking god, some of these reccomendations are horrible. I'm too lazy to mention which.

If you want REALLY interesting Power Metal, go for the older stuff:

early Fates Warning
Crimson Glory's first two albums
mid-era Manilla Road
Pyrus said:
VIRGIN STEELE. I cannot stress strongly enough how much you need to get Invictus.
How does it compare to the 'Heaven and Hell' albums? Coz they rule.

Oh and (to thread starter) go with Pyrus's recommendations, also adding Fate's Warning and Persuader.
I forgot Falconer?!?!?! Holy shit! 40 lashes!

Kamelot... I hate them. Maybe hate is too strong of a word.... strongly dislike maybe.
Wuthering HEIGHTS? Pyrus... you HAVE to be kidding me. No wonder you like Lost Horizon.
Lost Horizon is excellent. I refused to listen to them for a long time, because they looked so ridiculous. Bad move on my part.

Lost Horizon = Power Fucking Metal. Truckloads of riffage, speed, interesting songwriting, and one of the greatest singers I've ever heard.
Jean-Pierre said:
Lost Horizon is excellent. I refused to listen to them for a long time, because they looked so ridiculous. Bad move on my part.

Lost Horizon = Power Fucking Metal. Truckloads of riffage, speed, interesting songwriting, and one of the greatest singers I've ever heard.
Lost Horizon do rule, but their last album is a little disappointing. Also, I have a bad new for you, their singer and their guitarist left the band.

For the thread starter, definitaly check out Persuader, they are amazing and pretty heavy. Their singer also sounds like Blind Guardian's singer on their last album.