What are the pitfalls to purchasing a secondhand Ticket?


Dec 18, 2004
Can somone tell me what the potential hazards are of buying a ticket from someone who says they will e-mail you the "pdf" of the ticket. Short of the obvious pitfalls like they never send anything. What is to keep them from printing a ticket and selling you the file and both you and them show up with the same ticket? Are these tickets scaned at Earthlink? Willthe first guy get in but the second one won't?

Any Idea? Glen.....help with this.
I have a question... Are there procedures at the door to prevent ticket swapping (three guys get in with 2 tickets) ?
with those .pdf tickets, people at the door are supposed to check the name on the ticket against your ID, I believe, but I've used them for local shows, and the guy has never checked my ID (except for making sure I'm legal to drink).

Has someone emailed TicketRapist or asked the venue what the policy is on this?
Having a different name on the ticket is one concern with pdf. , but, I am also concerned that the seller would print a ticket and sell the file but still intend on using the ticket. Therfore, two people show up with the same ticket and the guy who's name doesn't match the name on the ticket loses.
BlindPanzer said:
I have a question... Are there procedures at the door to prevent ticket swapping (three guys get in with 2 tickets) ?

Procedures are indeed in place, but I will not share specifics.

I have a police officer there ready to throw someone's ass in jail if caught. So you have to wonder if someone would risk spending a ton of money traveling to the show only to be throw in jail or not get in at all.

Glenn H.


I bought a pdf ticket to PPV for someone after all the regular tickets were sold out, and had no problems at all. PDF tickets are bar coded just like hard tickets so only one will scan as legit.
It'd be kind of silly to sell a pdf ticket then try to get in on a copy. If the person you sold it to got there first you'd have made the trip to Atlanta for nothing. Still, I'd only pay for it through PayPal so you have a real name and address associated with the seller.
Harvester said:
Procedures are indeed in place, but I will not share specifics.

I have a police officer there ready to throw someone's ass in jail if caught. So you have to wonder if someone would risk spending a ton of money traveling to the show only to be throw in jail or not get in at all.

Glenn H.

:worship: Thanks for the response... I just don't want to spend $100 while another jerk gets in for free :grin:
Harvester said:
Procedures are indeed in place, but I will not share specifics.

I have a police officer there ready to throw someone's ass in jail if caught. So you have to wonder if someone would risk spending a ton of money traveling to the show only to be throw in jail or not get in at all.

Glenn H.

I certainly am not asking for any information that would assist someone in milking the system. More so, I am looking to not get taken myself. If in fact I decide to go and my only alternative is to buy a ticket from someone who has a pdf, I would like to know the risks. I assume that if the original buyer who purchased the ticket atended that he would be treated as a legit attendy and the secondary person would not. I would hate to have my ass thrown in jail because I bought a ticket from a guy who screwed me by using the ticket himself.