what are you doing tonight?


Aug 2, 2002
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every night i go home, spend about an hour doing martial arts, and then space out, maybe eat a bowl of rice. i need to fill in that space out time with something slightly more productive. please help.
since I get off of work mid-afternoon, I get time to run errands and such. Today I'm going by an acoustic instrument store to try and get a new bridge for my gf's mandolin. Then I'll go home and relax for a bit before taking the dogs out to the park. Followed by dinner, maybe some computer time and TV zoning out if nothing else is going on. I think we're gonna clean bottles and peel labels for brewing purposes tonight, though. Tomorrow a trip to the thrift store is planned.

taking the pets out and dinner are the standard activities that my life seems to revolve around. we cook a lot.
sigh, i get home from work at six, have an hour to shower and eat some turkey maybe, and then off to work again from eight to twelve-thirty.

i suggest you take a meyers-briggs personality test for fun. that, or make an ashtray out of popsicle sticks.
i dont have any popscicle sticks but that is a good idea. maybe i will use something else. like toothpicks.

why are you working so much?
well, I have to work a few nights a week on top of my fulltime job...student loans are a real pain in the tuch, and my FT is not especially well-paid. usually i spread it out more, but i'm doing a few nights in a row this week so i can go see ben folds on thursday.
whoa, dude you're tougher than me. if i had to go to work after leaving work, i'd probably get there with tear stained cheeks every day.

i keep asking for a hardship reduction on my student loans. crappy $30,000 loans goddammitall. i figure i'll never entirely pay them off anyway. there's no way i can pay the $450 a month they ask for :(
i got maxed-out loans...i did a volunteer program for a year after college, and they were supposed to be deferred that entire time, but instead the stupid student loan company decided to treat them as if i were working, but only making $85 /month (which was technically true), so my interest stacked up and i got late notices (sent to my college address in BOSTON, while i was blissfully unaware in Philly), and i was totally and completely fucked when i got a job that paid me.

i only pay like $200something/month because i told them i was too poor to pay more. mwa ha ha!
Don't they offer consolidation or something? I could reduce my monthly payments by almost 50% if I wanted to. It's a lower interest rate with a longer payback period. In the long run you end up paying more and that's why I don't do it. I think it's offered by the state gubment so maybe you can't do this.
i already consolidated my student loans into one GIANT loan, but i dont trust any private take over agencies because (working in a law office) i've seen then sort of turn on people. you must read the very very fine print my dear.

basically, i dont think i'll ever make enough money to pay their minimum payment standard. thus i will keep getting higher interest... so this student loan is sticking with me for life i guess.

and xfer, that sucks about what happened. you could actually technically petition the student loan company because even as a volunteer you are allowed to make under $90 a month and not have it be considered wages, and rather, just necessary to complete your volunteer tasks for basic travel expenses etc. (we deal with this all the time when loan officers try to attack our clients who volunteer here but otherwise are not working). anyway, if they jacked you for more than a few hundred bucks it's worth bitching about.
alex, my director here at the financial aid office told me once in refernece to another student that you can call the US Dept. of Ed. and petition your case to the Ombudsman(actual job title) who I guess handles loan companies treating students badly.

Eventually all student loans end up going to the Dept. of Ed. if they are not paid so they are the authority.
consolidation can be bad if you work in non-profit or educational settings, too. a friend of mine consolidated his loans and next year was hired at a school at which he would've been eligible to get tens of thousands of dollars forgiven...had he not turned the loans over to a private corporation.

I also received a $64 subway pass, prep, so that would put me over. :) i'm not sure they got me for more than a few hundred bucks, but i'm most pissed about any damage to my credit record, which i should probably put some effort into fixing.
well, i think technically you're still eligible for the loan deferment because you weren't literally being given money amounting to more than $90. at least call the loan place and ask them who to talk to or write to about it. break down the situation for them, and they might cut off a few hundred dollars. i mean, i do this all the time (make appeals) and 98% of the time, there is a reduction of some sort.
actually my credit record is shitty and i called a credit place to go over my credit report and was told that student loans and personal bills(i.e. phone, electricity) do not show up on your credit report unless they go to a third party collection agency.
Originally posted by Baliset
actually my credit record is shitty and i called a credit place to go over my credit report and was told that student loans and personal bills(i.e. phone, electricity) do not show up on your credit report unless they go to a third party collection agency.

your loans will show on your credit report, but personal bills will not. however, your credit report usually only says that you owe the student loans, not that you are not paying them or having trouble with them or anything.
I've never checked my credit rating, but when I applied for a car loan I was told by many banks that I had no credit history. This was despite the fact that I had 5 credit cards maxed out and 25 grand in student loans.