What are you thankful for?

To still be alive! Yes, I mean that, hope that's not too heavy for anyone.:lol:
And, for my lovely fiancee', my family and friends, and everyone's support I have out there as well during this time of crisis, and my ability to still create music I enjoy, and share it with you all!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Ok, enough cheese from me, anybody got any wine to go with that? bah dum kish:lol:
well. I got share my part of the cheese too.:lol:
I'm thankful to my mom who made possible for us to move to America and discover something new. Being here gives me a lot of opportunities in life, and that is what i'm thankful the most. I'm also thankful to my father and the rest of my family and my friends in Romania who support me although they are thousands of miles away.
On the other side of cheese :)lol:) I thank metallica, because if i wouldn't have heard fade to black and one on the radio four years ago i would probably just another kid like the others listening to his share of rapp and wearing gangsta clothes.
And NEVERMORE for releasing brilliant material and inspiring me to practice playing guitar and for making me want to shred like jeff and steve:headbang:

why didn't anyone mention jagger and bud? :)lol::lol:)jk
Im thankful for this


But seriously, im thankful for musik too :)
Im thankful for music, My parents who have always been supportive and fueled my interests for guitar, im thankful I was born in the right family and not have to go through what many have to. Thats about it, Im a lucky guy. :)
I am sure this was a Thanksgiving thread, but here goes. (by the way, define cheese. I just say whats on my mind)

I am thankful that Steve is still here and kickin' (and pickin' to boot).

I am thankful that I was able to buy my new C7, damn it jams!

I am thankful for my job, most people hate theirs, I don't and it pays me a good living.

I am thankful for my family, I just got to see my Dad, Stepmom, Bro and Grandfather in Houston due to a business trip. I am also thankful the company paid for all of it.

I am thankful I am still around, just had my 40th B-day and never thought I would see 30.

I could go on and on, I see things much differently than I did 20 years ago. :lol:
That's why I'm glad I have a tongue, but I need my fingers more (so I can vent frustration through guitar playing rather than biting... that won't get you popular).
