What do bouth masks mean (SymphonyX logo)?

This is my guess:

usually two masks are used for theater one is smiling (for comedy and happiness) the other frowning (for drama and tragedy). So i am guessing that symphony x uses those masks to show that it is a musical play?

Another guess is that the two masks could represent good and evil, light and darkness.

at least it sounds logical to me, hopefully its right too ;)

Actually, if I analyze the "V" cover, I can see those things much clearer... if U see on the CD cover, the "sad" mask is touching the mirror at the bright side of the scenery (desert)... the "happy" mask is touching the mirror by the otherside from the dark sea scenery... I guess that, with that observation, I can say that both masks have the same personality at all! heheheheheh!
In acient Greece the actors played with masks on. They had tragedy's and satires. The mask with the smile was worn with the satires, the sad mask with the tragedy's.

Remember, the "smiling" mask shows not a happy laugh but a gleefull one. The Greek satires were very biting!!

I see it like this. Symphony X are actors on a stage that comment, positive or negative about the subject of their songs. In doing this they do the same as the Greek actors used to do. The Greek actors were just as populair once as rock musicians now are.

Talk about neo-classical ! ;)

But I could be wrong :)
mm interesting.... my guess :
it show the duality of their music : metal and classic
but also the variety of emotions you (they) can express in music, from happiness to sadness, from the light to the dark :)

IMHO of couse :D
Hehe, here they are


Thought it would be cool to have a smiley about them. You can use them if you want :)