what do you cut out of other instruments for vocals?


Ascend Recordings
Dec 16, 2010
Hi dudes,

The vocals aren't really fitting with the rest of the mix, I'm pretty sure the problem is in the Processing chain rather than the source.

I know im supposed to treat low screams differently from highs and also from clean vocals but they just dont "Glue" together with the rest of the mix. Maybe I need to cut a few frequencies from other instruments?

Any help is appreciated.
I don't know who told you about processing lows differently than highs but in my experience that's the quickest way to make them "un-glu". Of course depends on the vocalist and what not but my advice and rule of thumb is keep the same or close to processing when doing highs and lows.

And when dealing with screams to sing I usually keep the processing the same although singing always has more layers and I treat the lower layers differently
1. waves rvox
gate: -49.0
comp: -26.6
gain -5.6

thresh: -16.7
attack .50
release 59.3
ratio 10.26
gain: 13.2

HP @150 hz
Cut @240hz

4.BT analog trackbox (for some more compression)
thresh: -26.1
attack 85.ms
release 236
ratio 6:4:1
make up 1.5db

5. de-esser

6. CLA vocal plugin

What do you think about the chain?
im also not sure where the CLA plugin goes in the chain any ideas?
What do you think about the chain?

1. waves rvox
gate: -49.0
comp: -26.6
gain -5.6

thresh: -16.7
attack .50
release 59.3
ratio 10.26
gain: 13.2

HP @150 hz
Cut @240hz

4.BT analog trackbox (for some more compression)
thresh: -26.1
attack 85.ms
release 236
ratio 6:4:1
make up 1.5db

5. de-esser

6. CLA vocal plugin

What do you think about the chain?
im also not sure where the CLA plugin goes in the chain any ideas?
Isn't this like the exact chain that CatharsisStudios posted for his vocals?
oh haha, didn't realize it was that bad, should I start over with the chain or is there something specifically I should change?
this chain will make any vocalist even if they whisper scream, sound like a total bad ass
1, waves rvox
gate: -49.0
comp: -26.6
gain -5.6
thresh: -16.7
attack .50
release 59.3
ratio 10.26
gain: 13.2
3.eq (just kill some 240hz
4.BT analog trackbox (moar compression)
thresh: -26.1
attack 85.ms
release 236
ratio 6:4:2
make up 1.5db
5. de-esser

it clenches the vocals to no fucking end my vocals are the only thing i like on my recordings really
almost identical lol
The CLA vocal plugin isn't needed in this chain at all. It attempts to replicate a vocal chain by its own, and you would normally not use 2 vocal chains back to back on the same vocals. :p
personally, i do de-essing before anything in chain.
Vocals do need some low-mid, so i only hi-pass them to about 70-80 hz (just to get rid of some pops) - it of course relies on where the base freq is (for female can hipass higher).
After hipass i do some shelf filter from about 150-200 hz down, then suck out the mud.
usually i cut some 3k-4.5k (depends on the source, up to 3-4db mostly) in guitars, and in bass guitar (if it needs it).
Compression, maybe a tube saturation, and thats it ;)
I find that too much processing just sound like processing, so i'd focus on tracking vocals the best i can.
Also, i dont use gate - I edit breaths and other noise manually. It take some time, but it's worth it :)
while adjusting the reverb - i use two - one, short, with some solid pre-delay (i recommend ambience reverb from smartelectronics :) ), and the second one, longer.

whoa... that's a lot of stuff for vocals!

uad ssl e channel does all the work... although, i will occasionally use multiband comp.
How about chants? Is there really anything special on the processing or is it pretty much the same as regular vocals?

So here's a little piece of it, I feel like the vocals have a little too much reverb. Any more tips?
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well the general rule I use is when you want to bring something forward in the mix, you add top end (3k and above, but that's just a general starting point), when you want to pull something back, you remove it

gotta be careful with this though, or you can end up with elements in the mix sounding too harsh