What do you do to keep your PC quiet?


Jan 31, 2007
Have any of you guys done anything to quiet your PC? Mine sits next to my mixing station and is really too noisy. I've thought about replacing the case fan and CPU fan with quieter aftermarket fans, but was also wondering if it would be worth the trouble to line the PC case with foam. Any tips or suggestions? Thanks.
its pretty quiet as it is, but the mac pro sits in the machine room with Desk supply, power amp and other noisy things.
Replace fans/coolers and the power supply with silent ones
HDDs may also cause some noise
Keep your CD/DVD drive empty, can be really loud if it spins up
Thanks for the tips so far. I might add, my PC uses an LGA775 socket, so if anyone has a specific recommendation for a CPU fan, I'd appreciate it. (Low cost but quiet and reliable.)
Good case, least amount of fans possible(I only use an exhaust fan and CPU fan), and quality fans(cheaper isn't better when it comes to noise).

Other than that the only thing that will make a ton of noise is your drives chattering. Only why to get rid of that is to use solid state drives or use some rockwool or something around that area.
^^^ LOL. That's what I'm trying to solve.

I've been sussing this out a bit more. I disconnected my case fan, and the PC is about half as loud as it was. Now I hear the CPU fan howl at certain speeds and it's really annoying.

I think with a low speed case fan and a replacement CPU heatsink/fan I should be good. Of course, then the VGA fan will probably seem too loud. LOL.

Thanks for the comments.

I have unlimited access to PC components so I can pretty much do want and not have to pay for it. Given this I am incredibly cruel to PCs. You be surprised what you can get a way with. Here's what I've been doing for years, so far I've only lost one hard drive, that's all. I have a fanless cpu cooler and a fanless video card. The case and power supply cables have had the fans disconnected. I leave the side of the case off for ventilation. I have two large case fans connected to a switch, If I think it is getting too hot I turn the fans on. The HDDs are enclosed in sealed ABS cases. These get really hot and are under the most stress. I suspend the HDD inside the case to decouple them from the case.

So basically I have a completely silent machine. I use ghost to take regular disk images and I'm a backup freak. If it's worth doing then it's worth saving. If it's worth saving it's worth backing up. I've only lost one HDD so far and I simply replaced it and restored from the ghost image.

Like I said, don't try this at home, if you cook your gear then don't blame me!
i have a pc with the 775 socket, it has a Zalman CPU fan. you can barley tell the computer is on. also...my old pc was purchased form Sweetwater and had they Auralex peaces on both sides of the case, i changed them to that other computer im telling you about and those do help to.
I picked up one of these for $20 (Coolermaster Hyper TX3):


And spent another $5 on a whisper-quiet case fan.

This computer is much, MUCH quieter! The new heatsink is much more efficient, so the fan doesn't even speed up off of idle under full load. $25 well spent, I'd say. :headbang:

Thanks again for the suggestions.
cooler master case and fans. end of story. run that shit silent. my buddy has one with 9 fans and in a hardwood floor room that resonates the quietest of frequencies it makes not a noise
i remember having a G5 in the control room.
Sounded like a fucking jet taking off when under strain. That and the g4 MDD are possbibly the loudest computers EVER