what do you guys do to transfer the mix of one project to another

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
I use logic 9 and realy like it besides the broken ability to exchange mix settings between projects.
I track big sessions in different projects and its so time consuming to copy every channelstrip into the other project or copy all audio in the other project and stuff. IT SIMPLY SUCKS
Logic 9 has this option but it NEVER works. NEVER
Make one automation in one project and the channel wont be recognized in the other project

thats the only reason I am playing with the idea of moving over to protools..If I am not mistaken there is a function to exchange stuff that actuelly works?!?!
That's why I record in one project, even big sessions. My computer can handle it. Takes forever to load a project though :D
Bro I have a mac pro (2011 modell) cpu and ram usage is NO problem, but the thing is. What happens if the project fucks up. There is always the possiblity. I for myself better lose one song and look like an idiot then lose a full album and never get booked again :)
and for me its not an option to edit each song in each project and then mix in one project.
Its to much time wasted. I want to edit on the fly. start to mix, fine tune some edits, mix , super fine tune while listening to the final mix and stuff....

Does any logic user has some tips .

Any protools guys show me that protools can do that
Sonar X1 has an awesome feature where you can save the entire mix as channel templates effects, automations, EQ curves, even copys over the bussing with Effects.

I just import them all into the new session and copy and paste the tracks, make the small tweaks needed and DONE.
Reaper allows you to save FX chains and templates. Templates cover just about everything in a project layout... makes it really easy...
It doesn't work if you save one session with one song. Load it up, delete all the audio regions and import the new ones?

That's what I usually do in Cubase, save one song (named "x" template), delete de audio regions, load the audio of the next song.
Bro I have a mac pro (2011 modell) cpu and ram usage is NO problem, but the thing is. What happens if the project fucks up. There is always the possiblity. I for myself better lose one song and look like an idiot then lose a full album and never get booked again :)

This is what backups are for. Back up to another drive and you don't have to worry about it.

Any protools guys show me that protools can do that

In Pro Tools you can use the "Import Session Data" function to transfer settings among tracks.
It doesn't work if you save one session with one song. Load it up, delete all the audio regions and import the new ones?

That's what I usually do in Cubase, save one song (named "x" template), delete de audio regions, load the audio of the next song.
This is actually a great idea. I just tried it and it works beautiful (Logic). And it doesn't even take more than 3 minutes at most.
I never thought of doing it that way *head meets desk* Thx.
It doesn't work if you save one session with one song. Load it up, delete all the audio regions and import the new ones?

That's what I usually do in Cubase, save one song (named "x" template), delete de audio regions, load the audio of the next song.

I do this (Sonar 8) but I'm always terrified that something will have gone wrong in tracking and the levels will be slightly off, totally throwing off my settings.
I've recorded in Protools and bounced my project out and then import into Logic for mixing, works pretty well
1. I am doing backups, but I just dont feel confortable with all songs in one project with full length and bigger eps.

2. I do the two things you guys mentioned.
a. delete the mixed audio and import the new
b. make a project template and copy audio in it

But I realy want something that works with project exchanges.
I dont want to copy the temo-maps in the a new project
I dont want to have to move channels all the time (biggest logic bug, busses wont display in the audio window but if you hit automation they appear but in no logical order)
so I have to clean up the old project to copy the audio into the new.

Without this bug the logic import session data would work, I think?

does it work in protools properly? Like marking kick->vocals in the new project and hit import session data from the mix project and it works?


and thanks for the tips guys
Import session data or sometimes I save a session template then import the audio if its all consolidated down to 0
I do this (Sonar 8) but I'm always terrified that something will have gone wrong in tracking and the levels will be slightly off, totally throwing off my settings.

Oh mate, trust me, I'm a fucking OCD bastard. Even on an album for example, if tracking was perfect, some (or a lot of) things will still change obviously, but the "core" of the mix will remain exactly the same.

I've found that method to be the same, full mix, delete audio regions, clean all automation, save, then load next song, repeat and so on. works great
biggest logic bug, busses wont display in the audio window but if you hit automation they appear but in no logical order
Wait, are you talking about busses not appearing in the arrangement window after you created them? That's no bug, they aren't supposed to appear there. They only appear if you set the automation to write (then you can turn it back off). That's because they are actually AUX channels and you wouldn't put the actual region on an aux channel would you?
If you want a bus in the conventional sense you have to create a normal channel and select the inpurt accordingly.