What do you think about this little house for a studio?

Haahahahaha, I didn't know you could sell houses on ebay - looks absolutely beautiful though, dude, my parents' house is just like that in terms of construction (all wood logs), and it makes everything feel so warm and cozy, very condusive to getting good takes :) Plus, you can hang ANYTHING ANYWHERE, and not have to deal with anchor bolts or anything!
Yes...of course you have to do some modification...windows and doors expecially...
Anyway, you need a place for a cottage like this,a very big court... If you don't own one you return at the starting point: where can I build my studio???? :D
That sort of thing is fine if you have no neighbours (or really tolerant ones).

Mass + Tight seals + carefull construction = good sound isolation. That may be lacking in all 3.

The sizing looks fine, plenty of space, so I guess the only issue is the isolation it will give you.

I built one of these for my father in law over summer, they are pretty sturdy. If I was going for a studio building on the cheap though I'd just buy a couple of decomissioned haulage containers and convert those.