What does 'sophomore' mean?

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
It's a bit embarrassing to ask this because it's a commonly used phrase, but what is meant if something is referred to as 'sophomore'??

e.g. this is this band's sophomore release


High On Maiden said:
It's a bit embarrassing to ask this because it's a commonly used phrase, but what is meant if something is referred to as 'sophomore'??

e.g. this is this band's sophomore release



A band's second album is commonly referred to as its "sophomore" release.

Unless I am mistaken.
Main Entry: 1soph·o·more
Pronunciation: 'säf-"mOr, -"mor also 'sof- or 'sä-f&- or 'so-f&-
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Greek sophos wise + mOros foolish
Date: 1688
: a student in the second year at college or a 4-year secondary school
It is a term referring to the second year in a 4-year school. Therefore, the second album is a "sophomore" album.

The word "sophomoric" means literally, "wise fool" because people of that educational level have learned enough to be considered wise, but tend to be foolish in their inflated opinion of themselves.
It is the term used to refer to a second year student in an American high school.

Here are what the other years are refered to:
first year-freshman
second year-sophomore
third year-junior
fourth/final year-senior