What does your world look like?


Friend of Maurice
Apr 29, 2002
Sometimes life is boring or somehow I can't stand it - I guess everyone got such times - that's when I go dreaming of my own world listening to music.Now I want to know what your worlds look like and which kind of music brings you there :)
Please be so kind and tell me - or better say us (everyone who's here) ;)
well i must admit for me it's rather bleak. i'm not using my imagination to get away from eveyday life's misery anymore, possibly because i'm too busy trying to finally smash everyday life's misery to little pieces. just relaxing with my friends and carrying on with my duties as normal is enough to make me feel ok without the deus ex machina-like intervention of wondrous portents and daydreaming.
of course i still do like to indulge in thinking about how some of my wishes might not be trampled in the dust, for once, but these are all things that could happen if only the world wasn't such a cold and sorry place. ;)

the only times i indulge in letting my imagination run loose is when i'm trying to create the subject for a short story, me being a budding writer (in case someone here still doesn't know). then i'm often helped by all kinds of music to picture in my mind the exact shape of the story, its main features, the feelings it might evoke in the readers. my creative process takes place mostly at night (that's why i shut off my pc every once in a while ;) ) and whenever the world around me is quiet. i think i've got a good imagination and i hope i can avoid the obvious and the trite. :)

rahvin. (calling my name until i)
Sure,you cannot escape from misery,but it's good to your soul as just discovered by scientists ;)
And why not run away for some minutes when you have no time to go out ( just because of learnig for example ) or the weather is... - I prefer warm places ;)
me, i'm the bubu. lots, lots of daydreaming. normally around the lines of something terribly sad, but again, i can't do anything against that: when i was a tiny bubu i always argued with my brother because he wanted to impersonate happy stories and someone always had to die or be very poor or be very sick in the ones i conjured up (normally it wasn't me tho) :)

hyena (late again)
"Sure,you cannot escape from misery" was actually a sad phrase. What makes you think that daydreaming isn't a part of reality? Yeah, I'm the first to confess life is often like an evil betrayer who seems to conspire against us. And I'm the first one that feels scared and disappointed by several circumstances.

But which is the purpose of that daydreaming? Which is the purpose of Rahvin's short stories? What means that enjoying staying with friends?

I've got a rich inner world, and I enjoy adding new things, riding my imagination, dreaming about everything. I often use to imagine different situations meeting ppl of this board, for example a trip to Torino with FatherVic, and meeting there Thanatos the Mexican, the greek ones, finnish ppl... How wonderful it could be, and in fact... why not? It's possible. Maybe someday, perhaps soon...

About the music, I use to listen optimistic bands (so, you can dedut that Anathema is far away of my taste, hehe), that helps me to see things clearly and to increase my self-confidence.

Remember: I'm scared and I don't like living in disguise, but I believe in my dreams, and following an italian advice, I'll try out...

|ngenius (Wondrous Portent)
All I wanted to say with "you can't escape from misery" is : that won't serve your problems here - but maybe you find the answer there.

LadyCal (need something to hit on this "PC" - or what it's called..)
I havent day dreamed in a long long time. Me, like alot of people, use alcohol to escape reality at some point in their lives. I should learn how to escape reality without resorting to any kind of drug, but until I learn that, pour me another drink.

Nick(not an alocholic)
i like this thread.
so here comes vc's abbreviated version of what he calls his world...
currently my world is black/white. it used to be colourful... but colours were not there to enrich his life or to make him happy... colours of different kinds were the instruments he used to describe his feelings, thoughts and opinions. nowadays he tries to forget all he learned about colors and instead rely on the powers of black and white. when your mind is unsatisfied and oneself is uncomfortable with his current situation, one like vc tries to pull himself back to a more easy point of view, a view where only good and evil seems to be. everything is categorized in one of these two extremes, and vc gets along with his life, for he doesn't need to think about the shades of grey in between. but as he lives on in his 2-coloured world, he remembers how it used to look like when he was more content... he is aware that the solution to his misery is right in front of him and that the path is already laid. but still he hesitates, still he is unsure: unable to foresee the future - unable to foretell what is going to happen. then again he feels this strange grasp by which he is taken from his intended path he as well refuses to tread somehow. the hand is the one of a woman who doesn't even know she is pulling me back. and vc doesn't even know wether this woman wants to keep me here or if all this born in his own imagination; hoping for better times yet to come, as the best is always yet to come...

-- vc --
my world....heheheehe actually I'd need tons and tons of keyboards to wear out typing each single inch of my inner world. Some drink, I dream, daydream, mesmerize and drift through my not_perfect innerworld.
How it is??? well it has weather too, and somehow it turns everything to color or monochromaticaly stained ;)
Most of times is life which modifies the weather in my world, and then it's when I choose the music to listen, not the other way round. Seldom I get down by listening to music but listen to depressive music 'cause I'm down.
The only shame is that my world does not stand over a 15000 km turtle :cry: (so I use Pratchett to feel there though ;) )

fathervic (weather forecast: sunny and colorful)
I don't think I can talk about my world, if not in terms of the world itself, and most likely to the world itself, too :)

Alfred (....... ...... .. .........)
coincidentally i was thinking about such things today (while i was studying...-yup,it was that boring :p- )...i feel somehow that i live in one world whose one side is bleak while the other is painted with the chupiest colours....usually the bright side affects the bleak one (cloaks it somehow) and this is definitely nice :) yet the bleak world is still there and some times i get depressed and frustrated about it...but at the same time i feel this world will change -if not drift away and die....- when i'll have the opportunity to get away from some situation.....

and now it's time to stop listening to Unicorn,cause i think pondering and unicorn lead to melancholy.....
The fact is that "here" and "there" could be just the same.
Hmm...I could start to talk about time and places - but my english is not good enough for this kind of talking :rolleyes: Maybe you can read Timeline from Michael Crichton - there you can find what I want to say ;)

@FatherVic: so I will find you there,too?;) Why don't we all meet at the Invisible University?:)
Originally posted by LadyCal

Hmm...I could start to talk about time and places - but my english is not good enough for this kind of talking :rolleyes: Maybe you can read Timeline from Michael Crichton - there you can find what I want to say ;)

can't we have the shorter version? timeline is some 600 pages long and my queue-list will keep me busy reading other books until 2056 already. ;)

Originally posted by LadyCal

@FatherVic: so I will find you there,too?;) Why don't we all meet at the Invisible University?:)

for your convenience, since i gather you read terry pratchett in german, i can tell you that it's unseen university in the original. and the character you mentioned yesterday is called carrot in english. :)

I sometimes daydream, occasionally so much that it causes me to not pay attention to everyday life (but I don't daydream in class :) ). I can also... how can I say this... "empty" my mind easily of all thoughts and drift away. Not sure how I do it; it just happens and I can. For other ways of drifting away: I feel really good when I drink alcohol or take some sleeping remedies, but I don't overdo it.

My music (the stuff I have been listening to recently) brings me to a dark, dismal place... I listen to it as I can relate and it helps me.
my world is currently monochrome... see alvatar for more color detail :p

quite peaceful during morning (6:30pm seem to be the rush hours here & after that...) since most of the resident that live here are teacher & so does my mom. not many many people at my age here. so i'm all alone in the morning. it seem to lively during evening...

- red_beef (world consist of one black box with two holes serve as windows)