What Dose Ross Halfin , Maiden , revolver mag , and my masks --->


Sep 22, 2006
Heve to do with each other

the masks i make to look like EDDIE are going to be in revolver mag
a US rock mag that is going to be featuring all of Ross Halfin's maiden photos
& steve harris, he is giving a breakdown of all the maiden
albums and the stories behind them


hi there,
i am very interested in buying this mask asap, my question is -
is there a way to have the mask fedex'd via my fedex number. i
work at a rock magazine and we need the mask for a photo
shoot this week. please write me back and let me know what we
can work out, or if you want we can just pay the fedex fee to get
it here asap!
let me know


yes i can over night i can send it out ASAP
i can send it out in the AM
my zip code is 92630 never sent out fedex but there is a fedex store near by ..
IM sure you can get cost by my zip
BY the Way
IM A Big Maiden
loved Oct #49 the Maiden interview was Great
and the illustration
by Erik & Josh Great as well
i Will send link to photos of my house & a Eddie
Helloween Costumes i made witch Im going to turn it into a 6 foot EDDIE ..
IM SICK I know i need help
HI My Name is John and I`am a Maidenaholic

ha! awesome! glad we found a revolver reader and a maiden fan, we are gonna use the eddie mask for a silly shoot. i will email you at your yahoo address tomorrow so we can figure out payment. can we do it with a credit card? i'll talk to you tomorrow. thanks for your quick response!

Hi John,

thanks again for getting back to me, we really need to get the mask by
monday morning at the latest. We are going to put it on one someone and
take a photo of Eddie reading this new Iron Maiden photo book that is
about to come out featuring all of Ross Halfin's maiden photos. It is
gonna be awesome. i am setting up a paypal account to get you the
here is our shipping info and our fedex number - can you send it out
overnight ya think?? the address info will also be on the paypal

HI Rebecca

Please allow me to pick my JAW up off the floor..
Ross Halfin is a hero to me ..
i do Photography as well.
you cant tell by the photos you are about to see
new cheep digital camera have not
got around to do it 35 Mil yet ..
but here is that helloween Costume that i made
did not get the pants i wanted yet
hope you enjoy..
IM sending Mask out today
i will call you if there is a problem at fedex

My website of my art

Hi Rebecca i sent out the mask it will be in your office in the AM thay said 8AM
when your are done with it who is the lucky one that gets to keep it on there dask
what i do to get it to stand up is i have a foam head that is used to put wigs on.
it works good ..
next time Maiden plays in NY i will have to stop in and say hello..
i was there for Dance of the Dead Soundboard New York City, USA 24 Jan 04..Dance of the dead Tour..

revolver magazine

oh awesome!! also, the issue that is about to drop on nov. 28th has a
feature with steve harris, he is giving a breakdown of all the maiden
albums and the stories behind them
, i will send ya one when we get them
in. thanks again for hooking us up. i am sure some dude here will pose
in the mask, then we will keep it on display next to our cool Ebay
viking helmet that we bought last year for something i can't even
i'll let you know when i get the package.