What ever happened to Bumblefoot?

Yeah... what happened to Spike... And Dean... :(

And Lina.. Satori... All of them.. I MISS THEM..


now there's someone i haven't talked to in like... 3 damn years!!

anyway, i was gone for a long time. I come back from time to time... i don't like most of the new forumers, they seem kind of shit. Oh yeah, for those who didn't know, i used to be Bumblefoot. crikey, good to see some old timers still lurk here anyway. and Saph! dammit talk to me now OR ELSE
Woah, Saphira! You're alive!
I thought you were lost in a caravan somewhere, or something =\

Most of the old posters from our time simply vanished. Some of them still talk (Orchid still talks to Hoserhellspawn and such, hell, Orchid even had plans for making a forum where only the oldschool opeth forumers could be, but he didnt... or did he?). Some of us are simply at SOT2 now. its not a very good place, but its home. or a website.