What Hammerfall album is the best?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :headbang:

Sometimes I wanna listen to some pure, true and dragonslaying Metal..especially when I play some RPGs, killing strange beings with my iron claymore :kickass:

I need a soundtrack for this carnage. Any recommandations? I liked the first Hammerfall album, but there are many new outputs I never had listen to.

What Hammerfall I should get? Please don´t say: "none" :lol:
Probably the second album "Legacy Of Kings"
The rest of the albums are always the same but there is allways a couple of songs of each albums that rules, usually the singles.
I hate the singer. It's too gay for a band that talks about rebels, hammers and "macho" things.

I recommend you to watch videos in Youtube and make your choice.
For some reason, I just find the music of Manowar to be more unique and catchy (and I love Eric Adams' voice), something about Hammerfall I just detest with such a passion :lol: But hey, rock on! :D
Even detest?? :D Come on..they are our true brothers of metal :lol: No seriously..I know, I´m one of the less here, who like it. I only know the debut album, though. Possible, they made some crimes I don´t know about :)
Oh man, Felix, seriously: Heavenly. Check out "sign of the winner" and "Dust to Dust" and if you haven't already, get Lost Horizon "A Flame to the ground beneath".

Both are abit more serious than Hammerfall and 100x better :p
Oh no you di-n't




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