What happened to Dave Wyndorf


Supreme Ruler of the Sofa
Sep 20, 2005

Is this Dave, or the creature that ate Dave?
Saw Monster Magnet in September last year, I think it was the first time they'd been since 99. Was surprised to see him like that but as long as he's still delivering the goods musically, don't judge a fat cunt by his fatness.
I've seen Monster Magnet live twice and they were awesome both times! I was to see them the third time but they canceled the tour because of Dave's overdose. Now they're coming to Finland again, but I'm not sure I'm gonna make it.
I saw them a week ago, was standing in the front row, so close to the band i had to watch out to not get hit by the bass guitar. I was pretty... shocked when Dave walked onto the stage, had not seen any recent pictures of him (and you can only see his mouth in the new video, but now wonder they didn't do a full frontal shoot :grin:), so i didn't know he became fat after quitting drugs. But whatever, the new album is great, and the concert was amazing (and painful, because i got pushed at the pretty low stage for two hours ^^).