What happened to Insania?

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
These guys made soem awesome melodic power metal albums after their debut which sucked pretty much, but from Sunrise in Riverland onwards they made only great albums. I've heard these guys described as the true successors to the Helloween Keeper era albums and I must agree with that assessment. Listening to their songs again on youtube they sound bloody top class. I think they lost their singer to Jaded Heart and lost momentum with that. Their myspace lists a gig in November in Stockholm with the bass player as the new singer. Any love for this band here? I think they could have been a possible for this fest too, to cover the cheese angle hehe!

You mean to say you don't know them already? Check their albums out as they are great at doing the Helloween thing. Probably better than Helloween even!

Yep. Never heard of them. Saying they're better than Helloween is a HUGE stretch though since their my third favorite band. I will definitely check their stuff out though.
Not saying they are better than Helloween in general. What I meant is that they are better at doing the Keeper era Helloween than H are themselves these days. Basically if anyone seeks a Keeper clone with modern sound and production values then Insania is your band. I actually like Gambling with the Devil much more than any Insania album. To me H is now a much heavier and not really a tralalala type of power metal band any more. The funny thing is I find older H influenced bands much more palatable than the actual old H material. I far prefer the Deris era to the Kiske era which maybe blasphemy to some but that's the way it is. What makes this even more odd is that I love what Kiske is doing these in melodic rock and AOR so it's a complete win/win situation for me. I like H with Deris and I like any Kiske stuff these days apart from his solo stuff - you've got to draw the line somewhere! :)
Not saying they are better than Helloween in general. What I meant is that they are better at doing the Keeper era Helloween than H are themselves these days. Basically if anyone seeks a Keeper clone with modern sound and production values then Insania is your band. I actually like Gambling with the Devil much more than any Insania album. To me H is now a much heavier and not really a tralalala type of power metal band any more. The funny thing is I find older H influenced bands much more palatable than the actual old H material. I far prefer the Deris era to the Kiske era which maybe blasphemy to some but that's the way it is. What makes this even more odd is that I love what Kiske is doing these in melodic rock and AOR so it's a complete win/win situation for me. I like H with Deris and I like any Kiske stuff these days apart from his solo stuff - you've got to draw the line somewhere! :)

I pretty much agree with you. I don't think Helloween are trying to sound like Keepers anymore. They haven't for a while, especially after they did Dark Ride. The only time I think they tried recently was with Legacy, but that didn't really do it either. The thing is I think the Keeper albums are absolute classics and there is no way Helloween will ever make better albums than those. Having said that though, I do prefer Deris as weird to some as that may sound. I just think Deris is a much more diverse singer. He can go fairly high, he can do mids, lows and even a growl once in a while. For power metal, Helloween is pretty progressive and I think his voice is perfect for it. Kiske is a good singer don't get me wrong, but he isn't that diverse. He can sing high and higher, and once in a while he will do mids but he just isn't that diverse.

With that being said, I love bands like this Insania. I just love that style of power metal and there doesn't seem like there's many power metal bands that can perfect the Keeper-style sound like these guys can.
Love Insania!! "Fantasy" is one of my favorite power metal albums actually. The song below is my favorite track. Awesome! Enjoy!

Great band! It's cool to see Insania getting some press on here. They've been on my ProgPower wish list for a few years, but unless they become more active again, the possibility is further dwindling. Be sure to not confuse them with the German power metal band of the same name, who aren't half as good. These guys are from Stockholm, which last I checked, isn't in Germany. My favorite tracks are Master of My Mind, Universe, Mankind, Carry On, To Live Another Day, Valley of Sunlight, Dreams, Facing My Destiny, Alive, Sunrise in Riverland, Dangerous Mind, Land of the Wintersun, Fire, Carried by Wings, & Furious Seas.
Wiki states that he (Ola) handled the vocals for Seventh Wonder previously...
-sounds like an odd mix to me, but hey...
Wonder if they ever recorded anything?


Unfortunately we never recorded anything with Ola.
I think we did one gig (this was obviously before we got the deal with Lion) and played some covers.
Ola is one of my best friends today and his voice is just unbelievable. I'm a big fan of Kiske and so is Ola and I think that can be heard in the way he sings.
Today he's singing in a band called Shadows Past. They're unsigned but I think they're about to record a demo. Hopefully they'll get a deal cause they're awesome .
Check them out at myspace.
I'm a big fan of Insania too and used to be their webmaster back in the days when they had an actual website. My favorite track of theirs would be "Life after Life", a song which gets even better when you know what it's about. Last I checked, their line-up was Dimitri Keiski (vocals & bass), Peter Östros (guitars), Henrik Juhano (guitars), Patrik Västilä (keyboards) and Mikko Korsbäck (drums). According to their Facebook page, they're busy writing/recording the fifth album, but I don't know how far they've progressed, and as I don't have an account, I can't really ask.