what happened to...

I think it's supposed to be up around christmas time and be more or less a super-homepage. :) Although this might prove to be the same kind of an eternity-project as making the FAQ for the Dark Tranquillity site...but at least that's finished by now.

Hopefully it'll be up soon...guess Dan will elaborate on that sooner or later anyway.
Mortisaga said:

Can somebody tell me?? I tried to find this topic, but didn't find...
The page is not available... Is there a reason?

We changed internet providers, and I didn't bother to change that one main page, as Mr D keep saying there will be this 'super site' sometime in the future.
I won't be involved in that though, because I find site making suffocatingly boring these days. You need to be able to understand the new technology of web design to do something decent, and I don't.
I have no time for it either, if I want to finish my bloody masters degree any time this millennium... (I've given up all my 'webmaster duties' to others, who hopefully find it a challenge... or something.)
I haven't a clue who's going to be doing it, but in the mean time, check out Cold Dark Nord's page, it's excellent.
*whoops* the banner is not there anymore...

nevertheless, I would not get the idea that Nightingale-page is to find under "official discussion forum". Good that I know the urls by heart... :)
The swano.com is half way finished. I have already uploaded a great chunk of music to the server but I still haven't found the layout I am after. I decided to design the site myself in order to finally learn something about the webstuff which I believe is a must to survive in the tough competition out there. The pages will be very simple but effective. Based upon hundreds of downloads both music and video. I hope to open the pages after newyear, but right now I must admit that it feels a bit distant. But it's worth waiting for...
Dan Swanö said:
The swano.com is half way finished. I have already uploaded a great chunk of music to the server but I still haven't found the layout I am after. I decided to design the site myself in order to finally learn something about the webstuff which I believe is a must to survive in the tough competition out there. The pages will be very simple but effective. Based upon hundreds of downloads both music and video. I hope to open the pages after newyear, but right now I must admit that it feels a bit distant. But it's worth waiting for...
Cool! A web designed by Dan himself? Can't wait. But I tought that swano.com design will make Kajor. He had pretty fine samples of this site. But now I am realy realy curious how the site will look. Anyway most of us wants a lot of links to music and videos :) And we all know that there will be a LOT of music so the simple design is the best solution, I think. :)