What happens when mixing some Metalcore with a lot of Symphonies?

Hey! Thanks!

Edward: Thanks! I've listened to your stuff before, great mixings, the music and specially the vocals remind me of Moonspell.

I use DFH1, and process the samples later: a little of compression, a little of reverb...
Orchestra is EastWest Symphonic Orchestra Silver
Bass is Broomstick Bass
Guitars are 2 tracks of Toneport UX1, 75% left & right.
No mastering before the mix, some limiters if anything...

I said a week or so i'd post my snare sounds after the processing, I'll do, but at the moment can't (lack of time)

Neat! Saying "metalcore" distracted me from listening to it but I must say it sounds more like good ole swedish melodeath to me :)

Y yo siempre pensaba que no hay gente en españa que escucha al death metal?
:D Cada vez que estoy alli todos me miran como que soy del planeta X por el pelo largo...