nick the gofer. i can't believe i didn't type that in my previous job description.
josh, i can't bring a goddamn book because i have to deliver stupid "important" shit to people randomly and function as some sort of ill-paid admin assistant and while i'm getting reimbursed for gas money the warranty on my car is already expired and i'm driving it to an early grave. this thread is like a hideous sketch i keep coming back to.
and so, this job is for motherfuckers (something i'm not bold enough tto say anywhere other than the internet), i'm quite sure the construction dudes hate me behind my back, and whatever "skills"i once possessed have atrophied away to a cinder. and i'm too bored to pursue friendships with local people, so as a result i have random chunks of free time that should be taken up by friend-time. i can't decide if that's bad or not
on the other hand, everything is great because there's no real pressure, it keeps raining and i have eaten 1 piece of pizza in the last 2 months. discipline is slowly trickling back into my life. fuck pizza.