What is Borknagar?

Somber Soul

Oct 12, 2001
I have to apologize for this questions in advance. Please forgive my ignorance. And don't be annoyed if this has been asked before. But I honestly don't know what "Borknagar" actually means. I couldn't find any information on this on the Net. The Scandinavian people I asked had no idea either. So my guess is that this could be an Old Norse word? I'd be greatful for some enlightenment. :)
Thanks, Tyr. Well, the mystery has been solved. But I have to say that Borknagar sounds extremely cool nonetheless. :)
My friends call Borknagar "Bog my pals", and try to explain to me an epic tale of the "Bog my pals" rising up from the bogs and taking over the world. While insane, it's still funny.
Isn't it related to something called Loch Nagar? I could be wrong, but I think I remember reading it somewhere. I've also read that its an anagram of "Ragnarok"....except with a B added or something.
We seriously need to get a "F.A.Q." going here, nag Øystein about it :)
But first, what are the most asked Borky-questions? I think these would be some of them:

1. What does "Borknagar" mean?
2. Why did Simen Hestnes leave the band?
3. How did Borknagar recruit the-not-so-new-anymore singer?
4. Will there be a tour?

Any more anyone?
We seriously need to get a "F.A.Q." going here, nag Øystein about it :)
But first, what are the most asked Borky-questions? I think these would be some of them:

1. What does "Borknagar" mean?
2. Why did Simen Hestnes leave the band?
3. How did Borknagar recruit the-not-so-new-anymore singer?
4. Will there be a tour?

Any more anyone?

Maybe it's a good idea :rofl:

All guys who visit frequently this forum know the band's history and all related to it, but ocasionally come some guys who never visited before the forum /never before had heard the band and ask the same things over and over.

the question 3 is not a frequent asked question IMO but it could an annyoing question for you (Bork) being Andreas the actual singer (an excellent singer of course) and the guy is on Borknagar since more or less 7 years - the half time of band's existence , so we can't say Andreas is a 'new' guy - and who recorded 3 albums with Borknagar at date.
Has Øystein been gone from the forum for so long because he's working on a formula to make his hair grow back?

On a serious note, probably one thing I'd like to know is a little about is how Øystein decided to finish everything with Molested and basically formed a "super group" as most people called Borknagar at the time. Did he already know the members, or was it just a case of meeting with them and seeing if they were interested.

That question has probably been answered in an interview somewhere, but I don't think I've ever seen it.
We seriously need to get a "F.A.Q." going here, nag Øystein about it :)
But first, what are the most asked Borky-questions? I think these would be some of them:

1. What does "Borknagar" mean?
2. Why did Simen Hestnes leave the band?
3. How did Borknagar recruit the-not-so-new-anymore singer?
4. Will there be a tour?

Any more anyone?