What is the best Italian metal band?


One Day Left
Nov 27, 2001
I think Labyrinth.


How can I vote for anything other than Ephel Duath?


Other bands I like are Canaan, Monumentum, Cultus Sanguine, Elvenking, Rhapsody, Bulldozer, etc, etc.

Italy's producing some good talent at the moment in music, if not in aeroplane pilots... (I've just seen the news..)

i should probably support more italian music, since im mainly italian decent.

im not sure but is devil doll made of some people from italy, they are from 2 countrys so i dont think they count as italian music, but i do love me some devil doll.
I guess you get some pretty good shows in Tokyo, eh?

Is Tokyo still as expensive as it was a few years ago? I remember buying an orange juice in a hotel there and getting charged the equivelent of $10.00!

Japan's a place I'd like to go back to one of these days. I didn't get to see enough last time I was there (only three days,a nd I was driving most of that time).

oh yes, Phapsody is paying here with Edguy, and in June, we'll have Angra with Sinergy, then Soilwork, Blind Guardian... i can't have enough money for the tix! oh! and i'm invited to the listening party of Shaman tomorrow! i'm excited now :)
i think you'll find things easier now, because yen is very weak now... maybe soon, you'll feel like a millionare? :D
what did you do for these 3 days? work? or holiday?
please let me know when you visit here next! i'll take you to a cool rock bar in tokyo!
oh and i have to add, Tanist is so cool! check them out if you haven't. (linked top on this thread)
Originally posted by tanist
My girlfriend studies it at the University here in Venice :)
See ya! Maybe when I'll be there...


cool Enrico! tell her please feel free to ask any question about japanese, i think i'm an expert ;)

and it would be cool th have you two here, i'll be your guide, so don't forget to let me know when you have a chance!

BTW i saw Rhapsody for the first time last night. Fabio is an awesome singer...staging was too dramatic for me though.. i enjoyed the show :)
the best italian band? surely not the famous ones (Rhapsody, labyrinth, etc...) as they are just cloning Iron Maiden and Dream Theatre... if you want something Brand new, original and Diverse, check out Ephel Duath, Void Of Silence, Aborym, The Maldoror Kollective and Sumerian!
Reads thread ......doesn't see Novembre

Reads thread again .....STILL doesn't see Novembre

.................says Novembre

I have been a fan of Ephel Duath for years though :)

the best italian band? surely not the famous ones (Rhapsody, labyrinth, etc...) as they are just cloning Iron Maiden and Dream Theatre... if you want something Brand new, original and Diverse, check out Ephel Duath, Void Of Silence, Aborym, The Maldoror Kollective and Sumerian!

miggggg is recording the new aborym album in italy as we speak in fact ........luck bugger :)
Originally posted by veil the sky

miggggg is recording the new aborym album in italy as we speak in fact ........luck bugger :)

I got an email from him today, so I don't think he's left yet. I'm still recording the new Disgust album with him in a couple of weeks. Should be a laugh.

I'll be going back to his studio in August / September to record another of my project bands, Cunt Cancer. It's sort of like Mortician meets Mr Bungle / Naked City. It's guarenteed to be the sickest thing you'll ever hear :)

he's in italy. i spoke to him yesterday and the day before. we're going back to record the new deso-stuff in august/september so we'll have to fight for bookings :) it's not definite yet anyhoo.

cunt cancer? that's disgusting ...shouldn't be allowed

i wonder if 'baby killer' (my sp) will be sicker. we'll see......

gary glitter is pretty funny come to think of it.

and you're spot on about the dead babies jokes godisanatheist. that's exactly where i got the idea from.

we'll have to compare obscene results and get some sick bastard opinions from um users :)

i'm taking mine straight to the new hate pit....
i would have to say my fave italian metal band is actually Reprisal! .. probably not a lot of people know much about em, and those that do might just call em a hardcore band! but they are nuts as fuck! ..

kinda sounds like arkangel, although their older stuff is more like death metal .. really fuckin cool ,, and hopefully we (tangaroa) are playing with em in october!! ..