What is the proper etiquette when...


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
...you're in an elevator with two button panels. You enter and press your floor. Someone else walks in right behind you, angling toward the other panel, assumes there's only one, and says to you, politely, "Floor?"
Say "It's OK, I already pressed mine. There's another button panel over here. See? By the way, it's floor 4. I'm going up to see my friend Greg. He used to work at guitar center, he didn't like it very much. Now he's moving to providence, but not with his girlfriend, he doesn't have one. He's moving with his roommate from college who's name is Matt but they call him Bechtel. That's because that's his last name. I don't have a girlfriend either, but I think I'd really like one. I mean, not just for the sex, but I like sex too. Hey, is that a tattoo?"
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Say "It's OK, I already pressed mine. There's another button panel over here. See? By the way, it's floor 4. I'm going up to see my friend Greg. He used to work at guitar center, he didn't like it very much. Now he's moving to providence, but not with his girlfriend, he doesn't have one. He's moving with his roommate from college who's name is Matt but they call him Bechtel. That's because that's his last name. I don't have a girlfriend either, but I think I'd really like one. I mean, not just for the sex, but I like sex too. Hey, is that a tattoo?"

You can look at them and say "When this door closes, you'll be on the floor, begging for your life."


"When this door closes, you'll be picking up your teeth from the floor with your broken fingers."

The key is to NEVER lose eye contact, and keep a straight face.
Elevators are weird. Social courtesy says that you have very little contact with your fellow riders, but your situation is one of the tightest it can get; it's freakin' incongruous how shallow your interaction's supposed to be when you're locked into a hot little box with one other person for two minutes.
I was thinking about that the other day too, and realized that this kind of social non-interaction awkwardity only happens in one other instance - in a men's bathroom, when one guy is in the stall, shitting, and another guy comes in and is outside the stall peeing in a urinal. Tiny bathroom, enclosed space, two people right next to each other who are obviously aware of each other's presence but are separated only by a thin wall which eliminates only visibity but no other aspect of company.

Why don't people say, hey man, how's it going? And like, I'm not gonna be the one to do it!
I think one of the great gifts of the modern world is the concept of privacy and personal space...like, in the OLDEN DAYS, you would've been required to greet everyone who you saw. Then again, you probably knew everyone you saw, too, since most people never got more than a mile or two from where they were born.

Still, it's bizarre, because you BOTH know that it's weird, and you're both in the elevator thinking about the other person, and then suddenly the doors open and you never see them again.

Er, until the lineup :)
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Say "It's OK, I already pressed mine. There's another button panel over here. See? By the way, it's floor 4. I'm going up to see my friend Greg. He used to work at guitar center, he didn't like it very much. Now he's moving to providence, but not with his girlfriend, he doesn't have one. He's moving with his roommate from college who's name is Matt but they call him Bechtel. That's because that's his last name. I don't have a girlfriend either, but I think I'd really like one. I mean, not just for the sex, but I like sex too. Hey, is that a tattoo?"
Can I use this later today when I go to the parking garage? I think it'll be that much more effective when I get to the part about visiting my friend Greg who lives on the 4th floor- especially when I hit button number 9.

And I'll wind it up with "How much do you usually pay for sex?"
Originally posted by chupe666
Number 1 or number 2?

Good question....

Well, if it's number 1, you could spin in a circle, moist up the whole damn place, and sing (or hum) the theme song to Hawaii-5-0.

If it's number 2, you can squat in the corner, facing the corner, so they have a good shot of your bare back, because you need to remove your shirt and your pants, and while you're doing your duty (or doody), you can grunt as loud as you can like a silverbacked ape.

Either or, would be pretty damn funny, unless you're the poor bastard just wanting to get to floor 9.

The elevator I was talking about only has 7 floors.
