What is the world coming to.

This is what happens when you give kids "time outs" instead of proper beatings.

Truth for real. To many stupid fucks telling parents it's wrong to spank your kid. Although this could also be that there are to many stupid fuck parents as well. But then again these could just be stupid kids....

It's never anyones fault.

You go back 100 years and virtually everyone was spanked. This pretty much made for a well behaved society, you didn't have kids cussing out teachers and buss drivers. I've been told it's pretty common now a days.
Same here. Of course no real beating or abuse, but a decent punishment when you fuck up goes a long way.

I always got the "you know what you did wrong" (I always did) right before and a huge right after.

Go stand in the corner is pretty much stupid, worthless, retarded, dumb.......

My favorite modern punishment is out of school suspention, what a worthless punishment "you mean I get a vaction from school for being a dumb fuck?"
I remember a couple years ago I got suspended for five days . It fell right after a vacation so I essentially got like three weeks off from school free of charge. I didn't even miss any work either. Hhahah. Some punishment.