what is your favorite vintersorg album?


Mar 23, 2003
I dont got any vintersorg albums, and Im thinking
of getting one. What would be a nice album to start with?
Please describe the sounds and what the album is like.
My favourite is "Cosmic Genesis". I'll recomend it to you. It was the first mr. V's album i've heard and i really love every second of it.

Morgana, here in this forum we have lots and lots of threads. If you are writting a post, why don't you do the recomendation again for once? Let's help the new people, ok?
The best album is without question "Ödemarkens Son"
COSMIC GENESIS without a doubt! "Algol", "Rainbow Demon", "Natulis Gallerie", "The Enigmatic Spirit" and "Cosmic Genesis" are some of the best songs ever! Odemarkens Son would be my second fav, followed by Visions From the Spiral Generator ("ESP Mirage" fuckin' rules!), then Till Fjalls!

-'Evil' Vince
[b]svältvinter[/b] said:
The best album is without question "Ödemarkens Son"
Yessssss. Though I havn't heard the newest one, I must say that this album is definately the one that touches me the most. Maybe it is the nostalgia I get from it, but it definately seems to have the most folk influence, and is the most "beautiful".
My favourite album: Till Fjälls
the first thread i've seen in Vintersorg's board was exactly about "wich album to start listening to" since then i've never posted here again, only in CoB's board. well dood, everyone has a favourite one, i luv ödemarkens son, but right in this moment i just can't stop listening to cosmic genesis. i'd tell ya to try Ödemarkens son :p