What is your opinion on putting two impulse plugins on one guitar track?


mixing scientist n00b
Mar 30, 2009
I think it sounds better than one? One impulse plugin does not sound good to my n00b ears without a ton of gain for thrashier type music. What are your thoughts? P.S. I am a beginner-mixing guy, here is my rough demo using EDIT: NOW USING SEPARATE TRACKS WITH EZMIX2 IMPULSES/MIXING:

any feedback/criticism is much appreciated - New song, guitar solo, Superior 2.0 drums with producer preset, heavy metal guitars thrashier than my usual,


Im using my epiphone SG standard with EMG81/85 factory standard, thunderverb bass

new software I got is what I am trying this song out for:

ezmix with expansion packs

recabinet IRs

Superior 2.0 jason Suecof preset

cheers :hotjump:
are you talking about blending two cab IRs or passing one through another/stacking them?

Recabinet has the blend of two cabs. I then pass one through another/stacking them with another set of blended two cabs. Many thanks for the clarification :)

It's pretty similar to using two microphones, but it eats up processor like mad.

it does, I dont have a problem with it if I am under seven of the recabinet plugins. if I did have a problem then I would render my tracks that are the resource hogs.
Stacking will sound bad. it'd be like micing up and amp, then running the mic'd signal back through the speaker, and micing it again. Do a send of the amp to 2 different tracks with 2 different impulses, or get an impulse loader with a blend option, like lecab 2
Stacking will sound bad. it'd be like micing up and amp, then running the mic'd signal back through the speaker, and micing it again. Do a send of the amp to 2 different tracks with 2 different impulses, or get an impulse loader with a blend option, like lecab 2

thanks much :)

I tried a send of the amp to 2 different tracks

it will more than likely sound very muffled. if using 2 at all, i would personally do it the way kool suggested. but if it gives you the sound YOU want then have at it.

I think that is where I am, it gives me a sound I want lolerz - it is the track above, definitely sounds a bit muffled like you said

I am gonna try the ezmix 2 to see if I have any luck with my beginner mixes :Smokedev:

cheers all, thanks so much for all the insights :) :worship: