What, John Howard Tell a Lie ????


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
Who'd have thunk it ???

So out of character.

Setting back the cause of biofuels to consumers a long long way the bastard.


The record showed that at the meeting, Howard and Honan, the principal of Australia's main ethanol producer, the Manildra Group, discussed means to protect the ethanol industry.
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Nothing exceptional in that: captains of industry are always lobbying the Government for special treatment.

The problem is that later in Parliament, Howard denied ever having met Honan about any such thing. Some background here about the special treatment Honan's company has received from the Government - mostly from Howard himself - in trying to protect its product from market forces and regulation.

Somehow, ethanol was exempted from national fuel standards introduced 18 months ago. Somehow, it managed to avoid having to declare the ethanol content of its fuel, so consumers would know what they were buying. Somehow, it managed to sell it at twice the concentration the car makers deemed safe for engines.

But most outrageously, it managed to get a rushed decision last year to impose tariff and subsidy arrangements to prevent it facing competition from imported ethanol.

The changes to the tax regime applying to ethanol were rammed through even as a shipment of Brazilian ethanol was en route to Australia, having been purchased by a small petrol company, Trafigura Fuels, sick of paying high prices for domestic ethanol.
I didnt vote for the bastard (GST MY cds will you you prick? :mad: ) but he is hardly the first politician to ever lie...
I've got to tell you that I was certainly shocked with the revelation.

Especially given his previous form with kids overboard, WMD, 18 volumes of tax law that were simplified to 27, etc etc.
B'ah.. Political banter is so boring.

Have you heard the new Maiden track? Wierdest Dreams or something.. it's cool.
I'm waiting with baited breath (thus the fishy sort of smell) for the new album.

I'm saving myself for the CD, rather than downloading just any old smutty preview.
Loads of politicians lie, but the thing is, Howard lies more than any politician has ever lied in the history of politics!

It's pretty sad that every time he opens his mouth I assume he's lying. I can't say that about many other people.
Winmar said:
Loads of politicians lie, but the thing is, Howard lies more than any politician has ever lied in the history of politics!

It's pretty sad that every time he opens his mouth I assume he's lying. I can't say that about many other people.

Nah, Bush & Blair still lie more than 'Honest John' (remember they used to call him that? HA!)... but he's not far behind.

That scumbag chimp looking bastard.
I just don't understand conservatives at all. They're such cruel, hate-mongering people - look at the anti-abortionist, anti-gay, pro-death penalty freaks in America. What sort of frame of mind do you have to be in to think that that sort of thing is right?
Actually, it's pretty funny that the article is about conservatives imposing an anti competetive tarrif, something diametrically opposite of their supposed platform.

I believe that the only way to tell if any politician (either race) is telling a lie is to see if their lips move.
The problem is, Southy, half of Australia's population are just idiots who can't think for themselves. They look at personalities rather than policies, and tend to vote for whichever party they think will benefit them personally. Australia is such a self-centred country!

I know what you mean, Spiffo. They're from other planets.....just look at Margaret Thatcher and William Hague. I just don't get how those people think.
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You guys are all men after my own heart.......but then Shannow and I are pretty similar in terms of political viewpoints.
The sooner Howard is booted out of office, the better we will all be.
Then bastard should be hauled in front of a war crimes tribunal along with his butt buddies Bush and Blair, mind you.......
Winmar said:
Loads of politicians lie, but the thing is, Howard lies more than any politician has ever lied in the history of politics!

[color=#aoeooa]Sad thing is many people buy into these lies for fact.

Why can't most people do their own research?

To paraphrase dogbert "people aren't gullible, people are "busy", they don't need to know read the scientific evidence they just need to know scientific evidence exists."

Hence people not actually reading any further than the tabloids print out.[/color]