what mixer/alternative could i use for live keyboard sequences?


Santa Hat Forever
We lost (kicked out) our keyboard player in my doom/death band and we have now decided to work with sequenced keyboards given the fact that almost all keyboard are already composed in Fl Studio or Guitar Pro so it's no big deal to export them and play them. The technique Im using is exporting mp3 tracks into my iphone which contain the keyboards on the left channel and a synced click track in the right channel, then find a way to separate the two signals, sending the left channel to the FOH/Monitors and the right signal to the headphones the drummer will wear to keep us all in time with the keys. i used to have a borrowed Yamaha MW10C that proved useful for this (even allowing me to give the drummer the freedom to mix in his headphones the volume of click along with keyboards) but I no longer have it in m power. This mixer costs 200$ which shamefully is a real stretch for me to get due to lame-ass dollar restrictions in my shithole of a country, and because of that a board like that costs 4/5 times the regular price if you find in local currency down here (which I did find, costs 4 times the legal $$ price)

So I'm open to any ideas that are not beyond 150$ that could serve my purpose and would like some suggestions from the gear wizards here, I have the chance to buy one at regular dollar price before april 22nd cause a friend's dad is going to USA and can bring it for me

I'm centered on a behringer Xenyx-802 or a Nady Nady SRM-10X for their price and accesibility in my country, but any ideas (mixer, headphone amp, splitter, whatever) are welcome. I also separating the signals directly with a bunch of adapter plugs but I have volume issues both in FOH and the headphones, doesn't sound loud enough.