What, no rants about the U.S. Senate's own bathroom stall whore?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
This sort of lunacy is actually a huge underground culture. The only twist is that a highly respected, highly-compensated U.S. Senator is the one giving BJs to whatever might take a shit in the next broken stall.

A flaming co-worker of mine once told me how he and a friend were at a night club together ("just friends"). His buddy vanished for half an hour and when he reappeared, explained with a big smile how he'd just blown a total stranger in the stall. My co-worker said to me, "That was so dangerous! He might have gotten AIDS."

Shit. AIDS is the least of his worries! Only 50/50 chance of gettin AIDS from swallowing.

How about Herpes, VD, bacterial infection, parasites? How about gettin mugged, the shit beaten outta ya, or gang-raped by a bunch of Harley hogs?! How about a head full of twisted memories fucking up every moment of yer life, until nothing matters at all except another degrading, humiliating, dehumanizing experience in the filthiest, dirtiest, shittiest place imaginable?!!

How about being a U.S. Senator with everything going for ya, and being no better than a mind-fucked crack addict who cares only about the pretty lights dancing in front of his eyes?

Should I pity this man?

Or should I exterminate him and his kind?

I may be missing a lot of the story, but tapping your right foot in a bathroom stall can get you arrested for potential lewd acts? The general public knows this? I hope I'm never thinking of a tune while taking a dump at a rest stop! What the hell happens if you whistle?
Whenever I saw graffiti in the public stall saying something like, "Be here at 12:00 on 5/30 for crazy sex" I always thought it was a set up by skin heads to trap some fag and beat the shit out of him!

But judging by Senator Craig and my limp-wristed coworker, I guess the risk is low for beat-downs.

Hey, remember "Dumb and Dumber"? there was a scene where Lloyd is in the stall whistling while he pissing. Suddenly he hears footsteps up to his stall. He looks at graffiti on the wall that says "Hot sex at 12:00 on 5/30" and looks at his watch. Midnight! He starts sweating like crazy! But its just the huge trucker he tricked 400 miles up the road, and wants to beat the shit out of him for it! Pretty funny scene!

Whenever I saw graffiti in the public stall saying something like, "Be here at 12:00 on 5/30 for crazy sex" I always thought it was a set up by skin heads to trap some fag and beat the shit out of him!

But judging by Senator Craig and my limp-wristed coworker, I guess the risk is low for beat-downs.

Hey, remember "Dumb and Dumber"? there was a scene where Lloyd is in the stall whistling while he pissing. Suddenly he hears footsteps up to his stall. He looks at graffiti on the wall that says "Hot sex at 12:00 on 5/30" and looks at his watch. Midnight! He starts sweating like crazy! But its just the huge trucker he tricked 400 miles up the road, and wants to beat the shit out of him for it! Pretty funny scene!



Its CAm Neely! haha
How about Herpes, VD, bacterial infection, parasites?

How about gettin mugged, the shit beaten outta ya, or gang-raped by a bunch of Harley hogs?!

How about a head full of twisted memories fucking up every moment of yer life, until nothing matters at all except another degrading, humiliating, dehumanizing experience in the filthiest, dirtiest, shittiest place imaginable?!!

There's got to be a Milano song in there somewhere.
Republican's have been flushing our nation down the toilet for quite some time. It's only appropriate that they want to look at you while you are on it.
Republican's have been flushing our nation down the toilet for quite some time. It's only appropriate that they want to look at you while you are on it.

Save your "It's the Republicans fault" speech, Keith.
If he had been a Democrat trying to get his leather cheerio punctured... They would have cried about it being his civil right to be a sexual deviant.
On the plus side, I've now learned all kinds of new things never to do in a public crapper, lest I either be arrested or propositioned by toilet-sodomites:puke::erk:
Save your "It's the Republicans fault" speech, Keith.
If he had been a Democrat trying to get his leather cheerio punctured... They would have cried about it being his civil right to be a sexual deviant.

Save your serious posts for someone who actually gives a shit. I really don't give a fuck about some in the closet polesmoker..There are more news worthy things going on than this hypocrite. And since we are throwing random first names out there, I will call you, Renaldo.
Save your serious posts for someone who actually gives a shit. I really don't give a fuck about some in the closet polesmoker..There are more news worthy things going on than this hypocrite. And since we are throwing random first names out there, I will call you, Renaldo.

Keith, who's Renaldo? Is he the guy that sang the Rico-Suave song? Maybe he could be Anthrax' new singer?
Save your "It's the Republicans fault" speech, Keith.
If he had been a Democrat trying to get his leather cheerio punctured... They would have cried about it being his civil right to be a sexual deviant.

..which begs the question.......What did this guy do wrong?............
So...there's no money exchange or anything like that...does that mean I could be arrested for trying to pick up a chick? I understand sexual harrassment at work, but if a chick doesn't like your come on, is it a crime?
So...there's no money exchange or anything like that...does that mean I could be arrested for trying to pick up a chick? I understand sexual harrassment at work, but if a chick doesn't like your come on, is it a crime?

Yes. If you keep trying to pick up a chick in a bathroom and people trying to take a shit keep complaining about four legs in the next stall and sick groaning sounds! Then its likely you'll get arrested for "picking up chicks." Or in the United States Senator's case, "blowing unsatisfied truckers."

Yes. If you keep trying to pick up a chick in a bathroom and people trying to take a shit keep complaining about four legs in the next stall and sick groaning sounds! Then its likely you'll get arrested for "picking up chicks." Or in the United States Senator's case, "blowing unsatisfied truckers."


Oh, I thought it was all about foot tapping...so if he was better at giving head, he wouldn't have been nabbed?:lol:
Keith, who's Renaldo? Is he the guy that sang the Rico-Suave song? Maybe he could be Anthrax' new singer?
Maybe you meant Ronaldo? That could be either the Brazilian superstar soccer forward Ronaldo, or the Portugeuse/Man U Superstar forward Christiano Ronaldo. Both are amazing at the sport, but I would lean towards Chrsitiano since he is the only guy actually getting play time when not suspended.

Anyways. The guy plead guilty to his charges. Homo or not, he should quit. As a member of the US gov. he is supposed to adhere to some sort of standards. Last time I checked, quick sex romps in a bathroom stall (homo or straight) should equate to loss of position.

I hear he is now reconsidering his resignation. Personally, it doest matter to me if he commited some faggot shit or straight shit, our leaders should shoot straight and speak the truth (ala Entombed) and he does neither. Let him hang.

It is apparent to me..both parties have their vices. It seems the Democrats have tons of criminals on their side, and Republicans have sex fiend christians are theirs. I'd go for the "hail satan vote" but there isn't much support for that. So when I look at things, I lean towards the folks who support business (big and small) and I am against freebie handouts to the "less fortunate"
Oh, I thought it was all about foot tapping...so if he was better at giving head, he wouldn't have been nabbed?:lol:

Lesson learned. DO NOT tap your feet while taking a shit in a public airport restroom. I don't care if you are humming Already Gone by the Eagles. YOU DO NOT TAP YOUR FEET!!!!!!!!!!!