What serial killer would you be?


Graveless Soul
Jan 11, 2002
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Congratulations, if you were a serial killer you would be...
Richard Ramirez
(AKA The Night Stalker)

The Night Stalker "a madman whose lust for killing and depravity equaled, if not surpassed, that of Jack the Ripper"

Over the course of a few months Richard Ramirez would go on to rape, sodomize and murder over 16 people in the Los Angles area. Viciously stabbing or shooting his victims, Ramirez would go as far as gouging out their eyes and stabbing their chests repeatedly to the point of complete mutilation. Basing his murders around satanic rituals,he would scrawl demonic pentagrams around the victims home's he would break into at random.

kill count: 16
i got Edmund Kemper.

Seriously though, the questions scream MJ.

"Entertainng Children"
"Demented PErvert"
"Tall and Thin"

etc etc
"Congratulations, if you were a serial killer you would be... Lizzy Borden"

"Lizzy Borden, not by definition a serial killer, but a notorious killer nonetheless. One day as her father was napping on the living room sofa Lizzy Borden took an axe and hit her father's head with it repeatedly some where around 40 times, completely disfiguring his face into an unrecognizable mess of blood and gore. Almost immediately after Lizzy attacked her mother in her bedroom, again hitting her head with an axe over 40 times.
Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her father forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, she gave her mother forty-one."

I swear I don't hate my parents that much! :cry:
If you ever had a reason to be afraid of clowns. This would be it.

Over the course of 3 years John Wayne Gacy, a part time children's party clown, would go on to sodomize, torture and murder over 30 young men, burying most of the bodies under the floor boards of his home.

Gacy would use a chloroform soaked rag to render his victims unconscious, then take them home and tie them up in his basement. He would then proceed to torture them sexually, using a varying range of dildos and sexual toys, eventually strangling them to death with a 2x4 while raping them.

fuck this shit :lol: :p
changing to my horny personality to answer the test, i got this

Ted Bundy

In the early to mid 1970s Ted Bundy would murder over 30 young women. Most were attacked while walking in parks, found later to have been raped and strangled to death, but sometimes Bundy would go as far as breaking into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar.

After being caught and convicted of the murders, Bundy accepted prison, acquired a new name and started his killing spree all over again. Soon after, Bundy was caught, but not before taking the lives of 3 more women.

Almost all of Bundy's victims were young white girls with long dark hair parted down the middle, all were raped, beaten and sodomized.

now why am i trying to get a BETTER test result?! :lol: :p