What Should We Call the New Street Team. VOTE NOW!!!

Originally posted by Crown

So Far we have

The Seven Tongues of God - Newsletter
Garden of Gray - Website name
Sanity Assasins - Steet team name

After all its down to PGM to choose as hes making for website but at least it will let vylance know what names to use for designing certain titles.

Would PGM like to confirm the 3 titles above so we can move to the next step, until then lets wait to see how the voting goes for now

Sounds awesome to me. I think PGM has some ideas in the works already. Let's see how he encorporates these titles.

Originally posted by dorkyporky
the "Get-a-Life" team

Honestly, now, who should really get a life? A bunch of fans rallying to support one of their favorite bands with their "free time", or a loser with a lame username of "dorkyporky" not registering, visiting forums, and spouting off useless, opinionated crap with his/her free time.

Tell you what: I vote we scratch ALL other street team name suggestions and go with "Get-A-Life" because dorkyporky's so funny and so creative.

Caustic? I've got a life. I've got degrees. I don't have patience for stupidity.

"who will tend the garden
when the snake swallows the light?"
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
Lets see what the people doing the art come up with.
I will work on some art in photoshop too today and I might get some stuff up latter

Ive started. ill send you some as soon as its finished, photoshop will be what i am using too. Theres no harm in trying so ill show you it when its done, but im feeling Vylance X will be onto something great as he seems to be more experienced.

The more the merryer one could say :)
Why would you waste your time on a street team if you have a degree ?

Why would you want to convince Limp Dipshit fans of Nevermore's greatness ?

etc... etc...

Remember overexposure isn't necessarily better than no exposure... sure, you'll open a few minds, but would it be worth the effort ?

Besides that, would you pay an extra 50$ to see Nevermore playing in front of 5000 people, opening for Slipknot ? No way !
I'd say : do your little promotion here and there, make your friends like 'em and let Nevermore grow on a steady basis. They'll get more fans, you'll get your 15 song gig, you'll pay less and everybody'll be happy. Plus, if they'd rise too quickly it'd make their music suck... I'm not saying that you're gonna turn them into SLipknot (music- and popularity wise) by organizing this street team, I'm just questioning your intentions.

BTW, I only post here when I'm at work..I'm not gonna waste my free time on your opinions. Just browsing throught things, making comments when something strikes me.