What Stratovarious Cd should i get?

They're great if we're talking about the slew of helloween-clone flower power metal bands. I suggest Visions, but I'd check out bands like Rage, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Gamma Ray, and Edguy before them.
Wow...I was gonna reply with a somewhat intelligent answer regarding a legit metal question...

...but then I saw the beefcake Norris shot...

...nice tagline..."no one fucks with Chuck Norris"...

And if they do? Will you protect your man at all costs? Stand by your man?

Man...I'm gonna stop right here...I've got a bunch of stupid fuckin' things to say...but they're all hateful, malicious, and vulgar...so...just fill in the blanks with your own inappropriate response.

All I can say is...hahahahahahahahahahah!

Stratovarius are the originators of the particular sound and style they play, a Neoclassical Power Metal. Their first album Fright Night came out in 89. Back then they did not quite have their style down, the second and third releases Twilight Time and Dreamscape is where they developed their formula while did some experimenting. Fourth Dimension almost got it but Episode and Visons are essential by them. Also, the title track to Destiny is probably their masterpiece for one individual track that represents them at their best, combining elements of both a uplifting rocker and a powerful ballad, a very heartfelt piece. Guaranteed to inspire at every listen.
General Zod said:
I'd recommend that you don't buy any Stratovarius CDs.

I was gonna say buy any one of them because they're all pretty much the same, but you know...if you don't have anything nice to say.... :grin:
I used to really be obssed with this band, but then I got tired of them after I heard Elements Pt.2. My favorite one by them is actually "Dreamspace", that's one of the reasons I named my band that. Even though Dreamspace is more of a Prog album more than Power.
yeah, i'd say Episode and Visions, as well...their old stuff is good, I like Twilight Time, dont listen to these guys on the thread talking about clones. in the immortal words of Alice Cooper 'Clones...We're all'. Let's just say that for their time in the early 90's in Finland, they had their niche...
so go get em all.
Here's my two cents. Startovarius is a good band to get into when you first start getting into Power Metal, my first cd's were Visions (wow) and Destiny. I loved the hell out of them and now have every single cd theyve released, although at around the time of Infinite to now, hell, I barely play them anymore. After Stratovarius I got into bands such as Virign Steele, Angra, and the Blind Guardian imports (this was before CM released their cds in the states) started to slowly trickle in and Stratovarius became shelved.

Stratovarius is a great band and I feel one of the most important power metal bands out there. Wayland Smithers who replied earlier expressed my feelings exactly and he couldn't have worded things better. Visions or Episode is the way to go though all the albums are important and great in their own way. My first album from them was Infinite and it just totally blew me away. I find many positive messages in the lyrics of this band and they inspire me to be who I am. For example "I Walk To My Own Song" which is off their latest studio album Elements Part 2 is just amazing. If that doesn't inspire you to be who you are and do your thing I do know what will. Its very uplifting, powerful, melodic and heavy music. One of my favorite bands of all time. Even though they've been through some massive hell ride the past couple of months I feel they will pull everything together and go back to the way things were. Long live the Strato.
The Tolkki vocal albums are great as well. Dreamspace and II / Twilight Time are underrated and contain some gems on them like Hands of Time, Out of the Shadows, Dreamspace, Hold On To Your Dream. While Kotipelto definitley took them to the next level in terms of quality and fame, those first three cds should be sought after as well and appreciated.

Helloween clone???
I don't remember the name of Helloween's keyboard player then... oh no, they didn't have one!!!...
If you are goin' to get just "one" CD, get Visions.
My favorite is Episode. Fourth Dimension is a solid second. Dreamspace is another good one. I don't care much for their last few releases. IMO, they started to burn out and become more mediocre starting with Infinite. Certainly some good songs since then, but regarding ablums as a whole, there can't be any comparison to the glory days from Fourth Dimension to Visions.

Also, Timo Koltipelto's voice seems so much stronger on his first releases with the band. When I listen to the later stuff, he really sounds strained at the higher notes. His mid-tones still rock, but I often find myself grimmacing when he tries to go too high on the "Elements" releases.