What style would you call this? Who does it sound like?

Gday everyone, rehashed a song I wrote 12 years ago and put down 2 scratch tracks a bass and some drums. Now the delima I have is that at the moment, I am writing and recording 2 albums, 1 death metal and 1 thrash, and I am not sure where to put this one! So, what would your suggestions be, and what is the closest thing band wise to this soughta song.

P.S, dont worry about the lame drums on the 2nd last riff of the song, I cant put some straight rides in it or double bass, as it mathematically wont work out for some reason, (have to find out why somewhere else), so the lame drums for 16 bars has to do at the moment! :loco:

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/822065/Audio Files/siwg.wav