What the fuck is the world comin' to?


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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I went to subway for a sammich and wound up gettin' a gun pulled on me by sum thugged out "g" in a pontiac g6.

He was pulling out of his space and he hit my front fender. I opened the door and said "Hey dude, you just hit my car." He pulls a glock.

After staring down the barrell of this god damned gun for what seemed like eternity I dove back into my car. He sped off.

The cops show and get his tag(camera), credit card #(register tape) and face (Camera)from the convenience store he just had left. This dude is royally fucked.

This subway is located within 100 yards of a school and a post office.

Can you say "federal charges" anyone?

I'm so goddamned mad, I could eat fried chicken.

Glad to still be among the living,
That fuckin' sucks. Nowadays you can't even duke it out like men in a good ole fashioned fist fight - there's always a possibility you'll get wounded or killed by a weapon of some sort... The world's gone mad I tells ya!
The sad part is, it's prolly not even worth it if he gets caught. The man who killed my uncle was released on a technicality 4 days before.

The system truly has failed.
GregadetH said:
I went to subway for a sammich and wound up gettin' a gun pulled on me by sum thugged out "g" in a pontiac g6.

He was pulling out of his space and he hit my front fender. I opened the door and said "Hey dude, you just hit my car." He pulls a glock.

After staring down the barrell of this god damned gun for what seemed like eternity I dove back into my car. He sped off.

The cops show and get his tag(camera), credit card #(register tape) and face (Camera)from the convenience store he just had left. This dude is royally fucked.

This subway is located within 100 yards of a school and a post office.

Can you say "federal charges" anyone?

I'm so goddamned mad, I could eat fried chicken.

Glad to still be among the living,

hopefully he gets the shit charged out of him

what kind of dumbass would pull a gun on someone freely in public and expect to get away with it? he's fucking dumb... as a matter of fact I can't even express in words how fucking ignorant he must be

people like that need to be pushed into volcanoes and filmed so people like me can laugh at them

edit: through my rant fueled by blind rage i forgot to say probably the most important thing: it's good to hear you're ok :D
House of Seance said:
hopefully he gets the shit charged out of him

what kind of dumbass would pull a gun on someone freely in public and expect to get away with it? he's fucking dumb... as a matter of fact I can't even express in words how fucking ignorant he must be

people like that need to be pushed into volcanoes and filmed so people like me can laugh at them

Shit like that happens all the time in Atlanta. Hardasses doing it for street cred. What sucks is that the more time goes by, the more I'm considered in the metro Atlanta area. And that means more fuckers like this coming into my neighborhood.
That's what I said; now I’m realizing that I’m missing the end of the regular season & playoffs. That makes me sad! I'll end up giving in & dropping over 200$ for seats and beer!
Dude, that fuckin' blows big time. I'm glad that the asshole that pulled the gun on you is in deep shit. Fucking guy deserves it. Imo this world that we live on seems to keep getting more fucked up as the years go by. Glad that you weren't hurt or worse Greg.
Thanx Aug and strik9.

I'm REALLY glad I didn't take a bullet. I haven't been that scared since I was carjacked in Long Beach in '98. At least then I thought I'd be safe back in good ole Georgia.

Man, now I've got all kinds o' worries for my son. He lives closer to Atlanta then I do. :erk:
GregadetH said:
Mentals got a valid point. No honor at all nowadays.

Hey thanks!
I'm a non-violent person but, if you attack me I'll respond to it in same manner. When I was younger and there was a potentially explosive situation, I'd always try to disarm it either with humor or with good sensed explanation or, if it came to it, with fists - I can take care of myself (sometimes I get as good as I give).

The problem is, there is no more of that - these motherless cocksuckers (thank you Sopranos!) get provoked by the tiniest little shit and are ready to gun you anytime. Now, I'm no racist by any means, but I know for a fact that a vast majority of street violence in Montreal and Quebec stems from the black and hispanic communities - if it's not the other gang, it's the innocent bystanders be it by guns or by machettes. Therefore, I just tend to avoid "their" neighbourhood's or bars.

And Greg, in case I didn't mention it earlier, it's important that you got out of it physically unscathed.
the even scarier thing is this can happen anywhere,there is no such thing as a safe place anymore,glad your ok dude,u just dont know who u are dealing with as soon as u go out of your drivway lol.
Dude, that sucks that you got a gun pulled on you. I had that happen to me a few years back, and it fucked me up for a while (waking up in cold sweats, nightmares, non stop thinking what if....). I dont even remember what the dude looked like, all I remember is the gun in my face. Shit like that sucks. I hope it doesnt effect you that bad. Sometimes shit like that can fuck with your brain.
Greg - just glad you weren't hurt man. To look down the barrel of a gun must've been terrifying. Anyway man try not to dwell on it coz it can really mess with ya head.

Take care man. The system has failed but have faith that there is still good out there.