What the fuck is wrong with black political leaders??

"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about," he said

So what is he saying? Take black people add white milk(money) and you'll get the same piss poor uneducated community that will elect dipshits like him.
The piece that is missing here in this is linking it with how most of the people out there are black. Most of these black people believe the leevees were sabotaged and the subsequent rescue was botched on purpose to kill black people. Why? It seems they are thinking it's simply to get rid of the schwoogies and then move white people into the area.

Thus Nagin playing into it and saying NO will stay black.

We think he sounds crazy, but this is a political thing with the blacks. He's rallying them and they will back him no matter what he says, just as long as he's pro-black.
Buzzard said:
What the fuck is wrong with black political leaders??
When the "african american folk were brought here on the slave ships and they were dropped off, slave owners would breed the big strong ones and not allow the weaker ones to breed. Now unless the were big, strong and smart. they didnt make it. My guess is the smart ones didnt make it.
Mxgonzo said:
"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about," he said

So what is he saying? Take black people add white milk(money) and you'll get the same piss poor uneducated community that will elect dipshits like him.

What is funny, is the more white that gets added in..the lighter it gets. Is he saying that we need to lighten up their race?

I think he is saying he wishes he was white.
What the Fuck is wrong with Dumbasses who comment on politics... As if they know what the fuck they are talking about??
What's wrong with black political leaders?

There are no political leaders among the blacks!

There are just house-niggas. Big, fat Mammies who make a lot of noise and follow the directives from their elderly, rich, silk and satin-wrapped white democrat owners.
