What the hell should I get!?!?!? (poll)

What should I buy?!?

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Jan 10, 2005
Ok, tax return is coming soon and I'll have about $1200 coming back to me :):):)

There are a few things I've been wanting for a bit and just cannot decide on any one thing. I don't want to spend all of the money if I don't have to, but a couple of things would require most or all of that money to purchase.

Krank Rev Jr. (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)
Ibanez RG2228K (oh my damn. killer, but would take a little more than I will get back)
Shure SM7
URS Classic Console EQ and Compressor Bundle (not *necessary*...but...)
Bugera 6262 (5150 clone)
5150mk1 (mehh, I have a XSr™ that pretty much covers that)

Tell me what you picked, and why.

Have: Peavey XSr™, Mesa/Boogie Dual Recto
Can borrow for free and at any time:Laney GH100L, Engl FireBall, Marshall JCM800 2203

I really like the Krank Rev Jr's tone and I think it would be much more suited for the majority of the grind and tech-death work that I do than the XSr™+Dual Recto. The Rev Jr would be run through my 2x12 that I use for my XSr™ and Recto, I will be selling the 1x12 cabinet on eBay (easy $200!). The 8-string would be nice because it would enable me to do one of the projects of mine that has been sitting on the shelf due to lack of down-tunage on my 6-stringers. Either the 8-string or another C7 HellRaiser...I regret ever selling mine. The SM7 would be great because 99% of my work is with metal bands (black, death, grind, etc.) that do all aggressive vocals. The plugins would be cool because I have been looking for something a little more musical than my Waves Diamond bundle. But they aren't a "must-have", at least not as much as the guitar/mic/krank are.


Or a pair of monitors. I'm using a high-end hifi system right now that is working fine, I'm use to it and know where/how to compensate on my mixes, a few years after working with them on everything. However I know how much of a night-day difference refs can provide. I miss working with real monis.

Monitors and build some bass traps/room treatment and get the SM57. You will be much happier with what you have after that. Your mixes will be better too.
hey man i just switched from a hifi system to m audio bx8as and it is the best thing i think i have ever done in my whole life. get monitors.
The 5150 would seem unnecessary given that you already have an XSr, and by extension, the Bugera seems pointless, cuz given how reliable and cheap old 5150's are, I don't see why anyone would want a cheap clone. Monitors would be my first vote, followed by an SM7 - it's not the Rev Jr. is gonna disappear, and the guy at the Krank booth at NAMM said they would probably start selling the head by itself (though that was by no means a confirmation)
no question, new monitors, get decent pair(just enough to get by) with acoustic treatment, then with acoustic treatment in place you can actually start hearing things and then you have a reason to upgrade your monitors. given your budget this would be more than feasible.

i built 18 ,4"x24"x48" broadband panels for my room, at a very affordable $200, this is very doable. best thing i ever purchased.