What the.....


Chosen One
Apr 18, 2002
Stoke-on-Trent, England
Visit site
man, whats going on here, its like this forum just died cause when ever im on here its like a ghost town. and wheres Jonas been these past few days?!?!?!?!

.... am i the only person concerned about these strange days?!?!?!
yeah man I have to agree.....this place is dead! Guess we just go through up and down period :D. I've been spending my time mainly at the new In Flames forum on Hmas.org other than yeah...lots of dead boards :confused:
hmm..... oh well. i guess it will pick up sooner or later then, altho it does seem weird after those few weeks of loadsa new arrivals.

ive started posting on the CoB board again (which was the original reason why i signed up on here), but i always seem to miss all the action lol.
I have the CD quality MP3... It's decent. Not as melodic though! It still has exceptional guitar work anyways... ahh who cares. we're all going to buy it, right?
a random question:

don't you get tired of those self-complacent titles like: Lake Bodom, Bodom After Midnight, Children of Decadence, Silent Night Bodom Night, Children of Bodom,... ? :err:

one or two are enough for my taste, but they have 2 on each CD....
:lol: it never registered that they had done so many in that vein!!

but i kinda like it cause they have such an adaptable name that they can implement it in so many ways.

...and yeah, of course im gonna buy the CD (if it ever becomes available in England :mad: )
yep ive been saying that since the begining. lyricaly, every fucking cob song is about lake bodom, and how they're from lake bodom, so that makes them the children of lake bodom, which makes them the children of bodom. or the reaper or suicide (or insanity but all those are about killing yourself becuase your crazy so that fits under suicide). thats it. get some new fucking topics alexi!!

...and back to the topic...
im never at home on the weekends so i dont post after thursday and not again till monday usualy. and im usually not around a few days a week too. so i dunno where everyone else is hehe but im just not at home to be posting. but when i am online i spam like crazy hehe.
that would be cool...but who told you that and where did they hear it from? theres a lot of rumors and BS always going around about tours and things like that.
Anyone else think Hate Crew Deathroll is a really stupid title? :err:

Yes I've heard the new single, its pretty fucking cool. Not as good as previous stuff but it has its own cool feeling about it.

F_V (still a CoB fan :D )
I lthink the name Hate Crew DeathRoll is all good!!!! (although I have a much better name for it, but I dont think they like it :loco: )

and about forum being dead.. dunno :) Im here once or twice a week and well.. you have always written SOMETHING new for me to see then :)
I check this forum everyday! Especially now that the Official IF was is gone. Anyway, yes, the whole title/lyric thing is kinda repetative. I used to alwyas get confused with the songs. lol