What were your 2012 Discoveries?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, this thread is for us all to post the bands we first discovered in 2012.
This can be either new bands, or older bands that you finally checked out, got a CD by, or saw live, and became a fan........

What I mean by discovered is that you went beyond just checking out a YouTube clip. I mean for ALL the bands I am listing below, the majority I have actually "heard" either live or YouTube for example, but this year I actually explored them more (IE - Saw live or got an album)

Off the top of my head, here are some of mine:

DANTESCO (yep, can't believe it took this long)
DAMIEN THORNE (Thanks to Odin booking them which forced me to finally get their stuff)
MICHAEL SCHENKER (MSG) (Became more of a fanboy after seeing live)
REVERENCE (always liked their demo tracks but their full length blew me away)
WINTERHAWK (First saw at first ALEHORN, but became full on fanboy after finally getting a CD)
Damien Thorne - Never would have known about them if they weren't booked.
Virgin Steele - Always a band I meant to check out and then regretted not doing so sooner.
Orange Goblin - I heard great things about their album this year, got it and then recently got their box set.
Primordial - Heard the name before but didn't know exactly what they were until the PP announcement, checked them out and loved them and am an even bigger fan after seeing them live at Reggies.
The Sword - I had their previous album, but it wasn't until their most recent album I really delved into their stuff.
Sister Sin/Doro/Crystal Viper/Battle Beast - I've always had a thing for gruffer female fronted metal ever since I got big into White Skull many years ago. This year, I finally got into some others, probably Sister Sin or Battle Beast being my favorite.
Wizard - I've seen their albums before but never really tried them out until the announcement, and much like some of the other festival bands, loved them and got the majority of their discography.
Orden Ogan - Good to see a quality up and coming power metal band after what has seemed to be a dying genre.
Are Orden Ogen that good? The used CD store by me has their CD.

If you want gruffer female fronted metal, have you checked out ZNOWHITE?
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The best band I got into last year was Encryption. I heard about them ten years ago (on BNR Metal, I think - remember that site?) but I forgot about them until recently. Holy shit, they are awesome. The second album is kind of like Blind Guardian with a lot of Gothenburg melodies. The first one is more like melodic death metal with mostly melodic vocals, which is so effective I don't know why more bands didn't try it.

Two other German bands I got into were Abraxas and Insania. I'd heard them before and didn't care for them, but I gave them both a second chance. Now I don't know why I didn't get into them the first time.
The best band I got into last year was Encryption. I heard about them ten years ago (on BNR Metal, I think - remember that site?) but I forgot about them until recently. Holy shit, they are awesome. The second album is kind of like Blind Guardian with a lot of Gothenburg melodies. The first one is more like melodic death metal with mostly melodic vocals, which is so effective I don't know why more bands didn't try it.

Two other German bands I got into were Abraxas and Insania. I'd heard them before and didn't care for them, but I gave them both a second chance. Now I don't know why I didn't get into them the first time.

Insania is a pretty cool band, i have 3 of their albums...i think...
For me new discoveries were.....

ATTIC - double whammy since I will be seeing them this year live.

BRIAR - one of my new favorite bands. Got the reissue of "Take on the World" and then hunted down the rest of the catalog. This is my fave of the year in finds.

DETEST - thanks to stormspells reissue I would never have given this band a chance.

lots of classic bands that I have seen around for years but finally jumped in so to say like PERSIAN RISK, SLANDER, Q5, and more.
Chapel - straight up Venom worship. Like a tighter, more polished, but not in a bad way, version of Midnight.
King Dude - (neo)folk-ish
High Spirits - I guess this is technically a very late 2011 discovery, but it was the very last week of 2011....counts for 2012 in my books.
Jess and the Ancient Ones - occult rock done right
Night Sins - the Goth revival kings
Hetroertzen - some of the best and most inspired Occult Black Metal I've ever heard.
Heresiarch - the sound of the apocalypse....
Beastmilk - weird post-punkish from one of the ex-DHG members. Hexvessel is another great act from the same guy that I found out about this year too.
Yeah, this seems to be high on many people's 2012 discovery list.

Care to post some recommended tracks?

They don't have a whole lot of material. Just the LP, a 7'' where the b-side is a Coven cover, and a split. The song that hooked me was this one.

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Insania are pretty fucking awesome. I also have three of their discs.

I forgot one.
Inquisition - Heard about them when they had that tour this year, which unfortunately I had to skip. I love to hear a different sounding black metal band.
I was really let down by Orden Ogen. I have only heard a few songs off the new one. But Easton Hope was just Ok at best. Dreamtale is far better for current power metal.

I actually just really hate the band name, so much so that I don't even want to check them out. Ha!!! How is that for metal elitism!!!!!!!!!

I EAT METAL FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heh:
I actually just really hate the band name, so much so that I don't even want to check them out. Ha!!! How is that for metal elitism!!!!!!!!!

I EAT METAL FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heh:

I can't argue with you there. It is a truly terrible name for a band that sings in English. Whenever talking about them I always have to check how it's actually spelled. Haha.
Thanks for posting.
Yeah, I am VERY picky when it comes to female vocals.

This is way too commercial sounding for my tastes.

I am already worn out of this female fronted occult metal acts. Quickest run of a new trend for me. While they are not bad...just nothing to make me want to go back and listen to more.