What would u want on an Opeth interactive CD?


AKA Porn-Fingers
Jun 29, 2003
For my senior media assignment at school I've decided to produce an Interactive CD on Opeth, the basic idea is a narrative about history, profiles ECT, while a selection of photos and art work is shown. I find this a little bland and an aspect of the assignment is to survey and research the audience I am aiming at so I guess that’s u guys, any ideas, subject wanted to be discused or concepts would be very much appreciated.
On an Opeth interactive CD, I'd want cheese.

There's a website around here somewhere called 'the blackwater park'... its got a nice layout and it would no doubt be suitable for a CD thingy...
For background images, the flashy ones, check out Travis Smith's work for Opeth at www.seempieces.com
The password to the secret channel on the secret Opeth IRC network where all people professionally related to Opeth, both present and previous, are chatting about interesting stuff.
Why does everyone post about their fucking homework on here? And then, why do you wonder "How come Opeth fans get such a bad rep?"
^HAHAHAHAHA ownige go moonlapse w00t \m/

fuck u D Driver this is a post to make sure that u guys get what u want bt it seems all u want is the cock, so i cant help there since i have no homo erotic fantasies, this was suposed to be for u guys and all i wanted to know is basically if opeth had a second dvd what would u want it to be...
Some history on each member before Opeth came about would be interesting. You could look into finding that information out, although i have no idea where you could find that information out. Especially on Mendez & Lopez.

Maybe you could email them or something.
yer cool guys thats for the feedback and sorru shroud of dusk i just hate these fuckhead trolls they should ge trol fucking briteny spears or someshit