What would you do if you had an absurd amount of money?


Sep 7, 2007
This came up in another thread, thought it might be fun. If not it can be closed.

So let's assume that you somehow through fully legal means come into the possession of a truly vast quantity of money. For our purposes we'll assume it's basically limitless. What would you do? Would you build a castle on the moon for you and your harem of supermodels or give a fuckton to charity or just be a normal dude who happens to posses more money than he could possibly spend in his lifetime?
I would probably be a normal dude who just would buy an abnormal ammount of cds/vinyls/tapes, comic and anime albums, etc. Maybe I would buy myself one or two locomotives and start my own one man company. Either that or I would import lots of diamorphine (100% clean heroin ready to be injected) from the UK and just nod the rest of my life. :p
i would buy the apartment building i used to live in then i would fire the manager and evict all the tenants. then i would just leave the building standing there empty.
I would probably get like a penthouse or something in NYC, nothing too absurd but definitely nice, have it tricked out. I'd have my own studio with lots of recording equipment. I'd have a bunch of sweet custom guitars, I'd take up bass and drums, get a vocal trainer, and become my own one man band. I'd spend my days churning out album after album from my penthouse. I'd buy every album I wanted. I'd build myself a supercomputer for gaming. It would be awesome.
I'd put a lot of money into gold. Then I'd move the gold around. I'd have a little room with a table with a map of the world and little tablets that represent the gold and one of those things for pushing them around and a radio and so over the radio one of the ship captains would say "Sir, the gold shipment has arrived in singapore" and I'd push the little tablet over and then I'd say "Excellent. Now take it back to Hong-Kong." There'd be no point to moving it around except that it'd be fun.
I would ensure I never had to work another day in my life. With all of the free time, I would sit around listening to music, watching films, reading books, and eating pizza until I kick the bucket. The integration of a computer room, bathroom, and kitchen into one room would be ideal. I'd also buy an obnoxious number of albums and diet pills.
I'd buy my own hockey team and set up a new "Red Machine" to crush all opposition. I probably would buy Chelsea from Abramovich too just so i could run that shit to the bottom.
1. Quit my job. :p
2. Buy something to eat because I'm really hungry.
3. Then buy clothing, cds etc.
4. Then spend it on expensive things.
You people are boring.

  • I would hire a team of scientists to research ways to give me superpowers (and to get rid of my fucking acne)
  • I would get an enormous mansion complete with a torture chamber and a bondage dungeon and an awesome recording studio
  • I'd get myself the world's greatest fucking physical collection of music, literature, movies and games ever
  • I'd get a massive arsenal of awesome weapons
  • I'd get a private army and equip it with both efficient weapons like machine guns and stuff as well as impractical but cool weapons like oversized swords and boomerangs
  • I'd construct impractical but cool weapons of my own and equip members of my army with them. At least one of my creations would resemble a dildo
  • I'd start a crusade against organized religion
  • I'd construct a gigantic statue of Devin Townsend in solid fucking gold and place it somewhere where everyone could look at it. Like on the moon. And it'd be so big you could see it from earth
  • I'd get dozens of supercomputers and invite all my friends to my mansion for a LAN party.
  • I only have two friends, so I would buy some more
  • I'd take everyone with an IQ below 85, put them on a spaceship and send them away to some weird-ass planet where the trees have tentacles and are prone to rape.
  • I would hire a guy to insult everyone on the planet personally, like that immortal guy from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • I would install a speaker inside my mouth so I can play a prerecorded evil laugh at will
  • I would hire another guy to count to infinity
  • I would reshape all circles in the universe to redefine Pi to exactly 3
  • I'd revive historical figures like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Charles XII, etc, and play Risk with them. It would be epic
  • A harem. With girls cosplaying, yes
  • I'd rename all nations, and I would replace all national anthems with power metal songs
  • I'd make some changes to all educational systems of the world. Reading xkcd would be mandatory
  • I'd rearrange all the continents of the world to form something obscene when viewed from above
Just build my own house that'll be fucking massive, have every kind of gadget and shit, loads of awesome cars, buy Hilary Duff as my personal sex slave, the usual.

I'd buy my own hockey team and set up a new "Red Machine" to crush all opposition. I probably would buy Chelsea from Abramovich too just so i could run that shit to the bottom.

Id buy Pompey and just make them the best in the World, and build a proper fucking stadium!!
Hmm, I guess I could spend some money on a harem with lots of girls cosplaying as various anime and game characters. Infact that would totally rule when I think about it.
Jerry would never sell them, so I can't buy the Cowboys... so instead I would offer Mark Cuban more money than he could imagine for the Mavs, and declare myself GM... essentially hold the same position he does now.
In off time from that, I would open a local music venue, and spend a lot of time seeing bands. Those bands I deemed worthy, I would provide with financial assistance for recording and such... because there are far too many REALLY good bands who never get the chance due to finances. Hopefully I could play a small role in revitalizing the Dallas music scene.

Also, the best Cowboys season tickets money could buy.

edit: females were not included in my plan, because I'm not interested in girls who would fuck me for my money. I don't like whores.
Buy a modest house in California or the Carolinas. Purchase every available type of Converse All-Star sneaker. Hire Hugh Jackman to be my "personal assistant". ;)
Hmm, I guess I could spend some money on a harem with lots of girls cosplaying as various anime and game characters. Infact that would totally rule when I think about it.

I'd probably do that too, my main objective would be to find a chick who could be Matsumoto.
I would buy a huge ass dark mansion that when little kids come by, that run in fear.
I would have a huge ass music collection, game collection and movie collection.
I would hire a Dominatrix to whip me when I'm bad, and sit on my face.
I would buy a time travel machine and go back to the period when vikings were around, and go there everytime for my vacation.
I would build a nice lan center, with every part being covered with gold. Also my moniters would be fucking huge, with full sound.
I would have my own radio station.
Own station to record.
My own record store, which would sell every possible cd.
Most of all, hire Rick Astely to rickroll, the whole world!

Oh, and also what Vilden said. Real like Drow from DotA ftw!
I'd probably do that too, my main objective would be to find a chick who could be Matsumoto.
My dream is to find a girl who could cosplay as Winry from FMA, then I could cosplay as Ed and we could be supercute like this:

That would totally rule! ^_____^ :oops: